Question Time for 20 October 2021
Hon JUDITH COLLINS to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by all of her Government’s statements and actions?
ANNA LORCK to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy?
Dr SHANE RETI to the Minister of Health: What is his response to Capital and Coast intensive care specialist Dr Paul Young, who has said, “I am afraid that your assertion that the number of staffed ICU beds has increased from 234 to 340 in the past 15 months is false” and that “If you are receiving advice that we have 340 staffed ICU beds you are receiving bad advice”?
TANGI UTIKERE to the Minister of Energy and Resources: What action is the Government taking to reduce fossil fuel use by large industrial users?
Dr ELIZABETH KEREKERE to the Associate Minister of Health (Māori Health): E whakapono ana ia he rahi rawa ngā mahi a te kāwanatanga hei akiaki i te werohanga o te iwi Māori ki te kano ārai mate, inā hoki ki ngā rohe pēnei i Te Tairāwhiti me Te Tai Tokerau?
Translation: Does he believe the Government is doing enough to lift Māori vaccination rates, particularly in rural areas including Tairāwhiti and Te Tai Tokerau?
ANGELA ROBERTS to the Minister of Education: What decisions has the Government made about onsite learning at schools in level 3 regions?
ANDREW BAYLY to the Minister of Finance: Will he adopt any of the measures proposed today by National in our Back in Business plan to quickly help the economy?
DAVID SEYMOUR to the Minister for COVID-19 Response: Does he stand by the Prime Minister’s statement in relation to community cases of COVID-19 and Kiwis returning to New Zealand, “So it’s just about looking at those two different groups and making sure we’re consistent between the two”; if so, how many community cases are currently home isolating?
IBRAHIM OMER to the Minister of Immigration: What recent announcements has the Government made about providing certainty to working holiday and seasonal visa holders and employers for summer?
CHRIS BISHOP to the Minister for COVID-19 Response: How many fully vaccinated people, if any, have tested positive for COVID-19 in managed isolation and quarantine since 23 August 2021, and on what days in managed isolation and quarantine did they test positive?
BROOKE VAN VELDEN to the Associate Minister of Health: Does she stand by her statement, “We must ensure maternity services and care better meet the needs of women and whānau, and achieve equitable outcomes for women, pēpi and whānau”?
TĀMATI COFFEY to the Associate Minister of Housing (Māori Housing): What recent announcements has he made about supporting Māori housing?