Questions for Oral Answer 30 August 2023
Questions to Ministers CHRISTOPHER LUXON to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all of his Government's statements and actions? HON PHIL TWYFORD to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he seen on the New Zealand economy? NICOLA WILLIS to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by all of his statements related to Government tax and spending decisions? ANGELA ROBERTS to the Minister of Education: What progress has the Government made to support teaching supply in primary and secondary schools? CHRIS BAILLIE to the Minister of Education: Does she think the refreshed New Zealand curriculum for English and mathematics should be compulsory in all schools from 2026? ARENA WILLIAMS to the Minister of Police: What announcements has she made about supporting New Zealanders' mental health and reducing demand on Police? HON JAMES SHAW to the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence: How are communities being supported to lead Te Aorerekura - the National Strategy to Eliminate Family Violence and Sexual Violence? CHRIS BISHOP to the Minister of Housing: Is she satisfied with the performance of Kainga Ora? SARAH PALLETT to the Associate Minister of Health: What has the Government done to improve women's healthcare and services so that they feel listened to and are enabled to live longer in good health, with increased wellbeing and quality of life? KAREN CHHOUR to the Minister for Children: Is he confident in all the actions and processes of Oranga Tamariki? DR SHANE RETI to the Minister of Health: How many nights since 1 July 2023 have there been no junior doctors available to cover overnight ED shifts at Palmerston North Hospital, and how many similar roster gaps are there through to the end of October? IBRAHIM OMER to the Minister of State for Trade and Export Growth: What recent announcements has he seen regarding the ASEAN-Australia-New Zealand Free Trade Area?