27 Jun 2024

Oral Questions for Thursday 27 June 2024

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:00 pm on 27 June 2024

Questions to Ministers Hon WILLOW-JEAN PRIME to the Minister for Children: Does she stand by all her statements and actions? HANA-RAWHITI MAIPI-CLARKE to the Minister of Justice: Does he stand by his statements and actions? TIM van de MOLEN to the Minister of Finance: What changes come into effect on 1 July? Hon Dr DEBORAH RUSSELL to the Minister of Revenue: Is he confident that all wage and salary earners will receive the full tax benefits, as outlined in Budget 2024 and the Tax at a Glance leaflet, on their first pay day on or after 31 July 2024; if not, why not? RICARDO MENÉNDEZ MARCH to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: Does she support disabled people being paid as low as $2 per hour due to minimum wage exemptions; if not, why did she discontinue the wage supplement that would replace exemptions while protecting existing jobs? JOSEPH MOONEY to the Minister of Transport: What announcements has he made about land transport investment in New Zealand? Hon GINNY ANDERSEN to the Minister for the Prevention of Family and Sexual Violence: Does she stand by her statement regarding the development of a family violence reduction target, "I didn't feel it was appropriate to have a target in this space"; if so, is the reason she did not feel it was appropriate because justice sector Ministers were advised that family violence victimisations are unlikely to change over a 3- to 6-month period? SUZE REDMAYNE to the Minister of Agriculture: What actions has the Government taken to support the primary sector? LAN PHAM to the Minister of Conservation: Does he agree that every Government, no matter their politics, has a duty of care on behalf of all New Zealanders in the conservation of Te Taiao? Hon PEENI HENARE to the Minister for Maori Development: What reports, if any, has he seen regarding his support for cuts to Matariki funding by 45 percent in Budget '24? MIKE BUTTERICK to the Minister for Building and Construction: What announcements has the Government made about building and construction? Hon PRIYANCA RADHAKRISHNAN to the Minister of Conservation: Does he stand by all his statements made at the Estimates hearing of the Environment Committee on 18 June?

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