Oral Questions for Thursday 6 March 2025
Questions to Ministers HUHANA LYNDON to the Minister for Maori Development: Does he stand by his appointment of Richard Prebble to the Waitangi Tribunal in light of Prebble's comments on his resignation; if so, why? Hon CARMEL SEPULONI to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his Government's statements and actions? NANCY LU to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has she seen on the Government's fiscal position? TAKUTA FERRIS to the Minister for Maori Development: Does he believe the Waitangi Tribunal plays a critical role in holding the Government accountable for its actions or omissions that breach Te Tiriti o Waitangi? JENNY MARCROFT to the Minister for Rail: What recent announcements has he made on the Cook Strait ferries programme? Hon BARBARA EDMONDS to the Minister of Finance: Does she stand by her statement that "Recent data releases are consistent with a growing New Zealand economy"; if so, what impact does inflation in international economies have on New Zealand's growth? JOSEPH MOONEY to the Minister for Tourism and Hospitality: What recent announcements has she made about boosting tourism in New Zealand? TANGI UTIKERE to the Minister for Rail: Does he stand by his statement regarding the new Cook Strait ferries that by the end of March 2025, "We're going to be able to announce who's in the game, what they're aiming for, and what the cost will be"; if so, is he on track to do so? Dr HAMISH CAMPBELL to the Minister for Mental Health: What announcements has he made this week regarding the Mental Health and Addiction Community Sector Innovation Fund? TAMATHA PAUL to the Minister of Housing: Does he believe that State housing is important for growing the supply of affordable housing; if so, why is the Government opting for zero growth in State housing beyond next year? Hon DAMIEN O'CONNOR to the Minister for Trade and Investment: What impacts does he think the imposition of tariffs by the Trump presidency will have on New Zealand exporters and importers? CATHERINE WEDD to the Minister for Women: What is the Government doing to support women?