23 Sep 2010

Question Time for 23 September 2010

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:03 pm on 23 September 2010

Questions to Ministers 1. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his statement in the House yesterday that: "Mr Hide has carried out his affairs in a personal and private capacity to a high ethical standard"? 2. TODD McCLAY to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on the economy? 3. Hon DAVID CUNLIFFE to the Minister of Finance: How much does inflation outstrip nominal wage growth for the next three years to March 2013 as forecast on page 63 of the Budget 2010 Economic and Fiscal Update? 4. JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister of Revenue: How will the tax system be fairer and more equitable for all New Zealanders from 1 October? 5. Hon DAVID PARKER to the Minister for ACC: Does his recent admission that ACC has handled the issue of counselling for sexual abuse victims badly, give him cause to question whether ACC has also treated victims of hearing loss badly? 6. CHESTER BORROWS to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: What new legislation introduced by her is coming into force next week? 7. Hon NANAIA MAHUTA to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Does he stand by his comments regarding electricity prices made a year ago where he said "I'm promising to make every effort to slow the increase"? 8. SUE KEDGLEY to the Minister of Agriculture: Is animal welfare principally an ethical and moral issue; if not, why not? 9. GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister for Tertiary Education: Why did the Government make the performance element of the student loan scheme that requires a borrower to pass more than half their course over a two-year period, retrospective to include courses taken in 2009 when it was introduced in Budget 2010? 10. AARON GILMORE to the Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage: What assistance is the Government providing to assist with the repair, restoration and strengthening of heritage and character buildings in the Canterbury region? 11. PHIL TWYFORD to the Minister of Local Government: What is the total cost to date of the services provided to the Auckland Transition Agency by the recruitment firm Momentum? 12. Dr CAM CALDER to the Minister of Transport: What further progress is being made on developing the commuter rail network in Auckland?

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