Questions for Oral Answer for Thursday 1 April 2010
1. RAHUI KATENE to the Attorney-General: Does he agree with the reported statement of the Hon Phil Goff that"any outcome needs to maintain public access to beaches and protect the customary title or rights of iwi to the seabed and foreshore"and that"this is already the situation"; if not, why not? 2. PESETA SAM LOTU-IIGA to the Minister of Finance: How will Budget 2010 ensure taxpayers' money is spent responsibly? 3. Hon CLAYTON COSGROVE to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his statement"I know that one of the key reasons Kiwis elected National is because they trusted us to take the tough steps needed to tackle violent crime and make families safer in their home and communities"? 4. SANDRA GOUDIE to the Minister of Police: What reports has she received on the key factors that influenced the 2009 crime statistics? 5. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Minister for Social Development and Employment: Does she agree with all recent comments by her Associate Minister, Hon Tariana Turia? 6. PAUL QUINN to the Attorney-General: What are the key aspects of the Government's preferred approach in the foreshore and seabed consultation document released yesterday? 7. Hon PAREKURA HOROMIA to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his recent comments about proposed changes to the Foreshore and Seabed Act that"I don't think people will notice a lot of change"? 8. Dr JACKIE BLUE to the Minister of Transport: What steps is the Government considering to improve taxi driver safety? 9. LYNNE PILLAY to the Minister for ACC: Is he satisfied that the new sexual abuse clinical guidelines used in ACC's Sensitive Claims Unit are offering"the best treatment possible"? 10. Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Prime Minister: When did he first learn that the Minister of Agriculture Hon David Carter had spoken to applicants for a Water Conservation Order on the Hurunui River suggesting they freeze that application, and what action, if any, did he subsequently take? 11. MELISSA LEE to the Minister for Building and Construction: What progress has he made in terms of introducing a building licence system that will give New Zealanders confidence in the skills of the builders they employ? 12. Hon DAVID PARKER to the Minister of Conservation: Will she be visiting the Coromandel during Easter to gauge for herself the depth of resentment against proposals to allow mining of sensitive Schedule 4 land?