Question Time for 23 July 2008
QUESTIONS FOR ORAL ANSWER Wednesday, 23 July 2008 Questions to Ministers 1. JOHN KEY to the Prime Minister: Does she have confidence in the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Racing; if so, why? 2. SUE MORONEY to the Minister of Agriculture: What reports has he received on the importance of ACC to farmers and other agriculture and forestry workers? 3. JOHN KEY to the Prime Minister: Does she stand by her statement that, "When I am looking at year after year after year of positive net migration to New Zealand, I know this country is very capable of attracting and retaining its best and brightest."? 4. RON MARK to the Minister of Police: Which of the policies released by the Police Association in its document Towards a Safer New Zealand, particularly those regarding youth crime, and police equipment and training, does she agree with, if any? 5. SIMON POWER to the Minister of Police: Was the Organised and Financial Crime Agency New Zealand (OFCANZ) established on 1 July 2008 as scheduled; if not, why not? 6. Hon MARK GOSCHE to the Minister of Labour: What reports has he received on employment relations? 7. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Leader of the House: What is the Government's timetable for passing the Climate Change (Emissions Trading and Renewable Preference) Bill; and will the second reading be held during this parliamentary session? 8. DARIEN FENTON to the Minister for ACC: Has she received any conflicting reports regarding ACC? 9. Dr the Hon LOCKWOOD SMITH to the Minister of Immigration: What was irregular about the circumstances in which family members of Mary Anne Thompson obtained residence? 10. RODNEY HIDE to the Prime Minister: Is she aware of rule 2.81 of the Cabinet Manual that states, "To avoid creating or appearing to create an obligation, gifts in cash or kind are not to be solicited or accepted from a commercial enterprise or any other organisation, either in New Zealand or overseas."; and does she advise her Ministers that having their lawyer solicit and seek funds for their personal legal bills avoids "creating or appearing to create an obligation"? 11. PHIL HEATLEY to the Minister of Housing: Does she stand by the statement with regard to state housing that "cases of subletting are very rare", that pursuing them would be a "wild goose chase", and that the Minister is "still waiting for Mr Heatley to front up with a single example"? 12. Hon PAUL SWAIN to the Minister of Commerce: Has she received any reports on the response to the announcement of the Capital Markets Development Taskforce; and if so, what do they say?