22 Jul 2008

Parliament Question Time 22 July 2008

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:13 pm on 22 July 2008

Questions to Ministers 1. Hon MARK GOSCHE to the Minister for ACC: What reports has she received on changes to ACC levy rates? 2. JOHN KEY to the Prime Minister: Does she have confidence in the Minister of Foreign Affairs; if so, why? 3. TE URUROA FLAVELL to the Minister of Māori Affairs: Kei te whakaae ia ki te kōrero a te Tumuaki o Te Mana Arotake e mea ana, ko ngā painga kua puta i te Rautaki Reo Māori kua pāngia e te kore rauemi mō ngā tikanga whakahaere me tōna whakatinanatanga, tae atu ki ngā whāinga matua e taupatupatungia ana, ā, ka pēhea e taea ai e te Arotake o te tau 2008/09 te whakatika tēnei? *Translation: Does he agree with the Controller and Auditor General that the success of the Māori Language Strategy has been affected by the lack of designated resources for planning and implementation, and by conflicting priorities; and how will the 2008/09 review address this? 4. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Minister of Finance: What is the Treasury's best estimate of how much of the operating and capital spending allowances for Budget 2009 have already been committed or allocated? 5. LYNNE PILLAY to the Minister of Education: What reports has he received about the success of the 20 Hours Free Early Childhood Education policy? 6. SIMON POWER to the Minister of Corrections: Does he has confidence in his department; if so, why? 7. JUDY TURNER to the Minister of Justice: What advice has she received about holding a citizen's initiated referendum alongside a general election? 8. Hon Dr NICK SMITH to the Minister of State Services: Does he agree with the failures identified by Kristy McDonald QC in the report he released on 9 July 2008? 9. DAVE HEREORA to the Minister of Energy: How has the country's electricity system coped with record low inflows into New Zealand's hydro lakes? 10. GERRY BROWNLEE to the Minister of Energy: How confident is he that compact fluorescent lamp light bulbs are safe for New Zealanders to use in their homes? 11. SUE KEDGLEY to the Minister of Health: Is he confident that a cellphone tower, built next to a playcentre or kindergarten, would pose no risk to the health of the children who spend time at that centre; if so, why? 12. Dr the Hon LOCKWOOD SMITH to the Minister of Immigration: Did the former head of the Immigration Service, Mary Anne Thompson, seek visa waivers for family members in April 2005?

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