1 May 2012
Question Time for 1 May 2012
- PAUL GOLDSMITH to the Minister of Finance: What will be the main focus of the Government’s Budget on 24 May?
- DAVID SHEARER to the Prime Minister: What assurances, if any, has he directly received from Hon John Banks regarding donations he received for his political campaigns and when did he receive those assurances?
- DAVID BENNETT to the Minister of Immigration: What changes has the Government announced to deter mass arrivals of illegal immigrants and people smugglers from targeting New Zealand?
- METIRIA TUREI to the Prime Minister: What advice, if any, has he received on Hon John Banks’ alleged actions regarding donations from Kim Dotcom?
- GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister for Land Information: On what date did Hon John Banks lobby him on behalf of the application of Kim Dotcom to purchase property in Coatesville, and how did Mr Banks communicate this lobbying?
- Dr JACKIE BLUE to the Minister of Justice: How will the Alcohol Reform Bill provide for better community involvement in managing alcohol?
- Hon TREVOR MALLARD to the Associate Minister of Education: What progress has he made on setting the criteria for establishing charter schools?
- STEFFAN BROWNING to the Minister for Land Information: Do overseas owned companies need Overseas Investment Office approval to exclusively occupy coastal marine space?
- Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all of his Ministers; if so why?
- JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister for Communications and Information Technology: What progress has the Government made on its policy of delivering faster broadband for New Zealand?
- HONE HARAWIRA to the Minister of Housing: What assurances can he give that there will be no requirement for any existing tenant in any State house to move out of the area as a result of the Tamaki Transformation Programme for the Glen Innes redevelopment, which involves reducing the number of Housing New Zealand -owned houses from 156 to 78?
- Hon MARYAN STREET to the Minister of Health: What reports has he received concerning Pharmac’s provisional sole supplier contract with Pharmaco to provide new blood glucose meters for the 120,000 -plus diabetics who use them?