20 Aug 2013

Question Time for 20 August 2013

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:08 pm on 20 August 2013
  1. Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Minister responsible for the GCSB: Will the Government Communications Security Bureau be able to access the content of any New Zealander's communications under the cybersecurity provisions of the Government Communications Security Bureau and Related Legislation Amendment Bill?
  2. MAGGIE BARRY to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he received confirming a further improvement in business and consumer confidence in New Zealand?
  3. DAVID SHEARER to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all his statements?
  4. SHANE ARDERN to the Minister for Primary Industries: What announcements has he made on a Ministerial inquiry into the recent whey protein contamination situation?
  5. Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all of his Ministers?
  6. DAVID SHEARER to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all his Ministers?
  7. ALFRED NGARO to the Minister for Social Development: What announcements has she made to better protect children from abuse and neglect?
  8. Hon DAVID PARKER to the Minister of Finance: Does he stand by his statement that one of his main priorities for 2013 is to "bed in" welfare reforms "because that is where by far the biggest fiscal benefits lie"?
  9. Peseta SAM LOTU-IIGA to the Minister of Housing: How is the Government making KiwiSaver support for first home buyers and the Welcome Home Loan scheme fairer?
  10. Dr KENNEDY GRAHAM to the Minister for Climate Change Issues: Does he agree with the statement made in 2009 by then Minister for Climate Change Issues, Hon Dr Nick Smith, in reference to New Zealand's previous target of 10 to 20 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 that "…a less ambitious target would undermine New Zealand's clean, green environmental reputation"?
  11. Hon DAMIEN O'CONNOR to the Minister for Primary Industries: Does he have confidence in the Ministry for Primary Industries' standards for approving recognised agents?
  12. PAUL FOSTER-BELL to the Minister of Health: What progress has been made on providing better access to surgical first specialist assessments?

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