22 Aug 2013

Question Time for 22 August 2013

From Parliament - Live Stream and Question Time, 2:04 pm on 22 August 2013
  1. GRANT ROBERTSON to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all his Ministers?
  2. JAMI-LEE ROSS to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received on employment prospects for New Zealanders in the year ahead?
  3. DENIS O'ROURKE to the Minister for Tertiary Education, Skills and Employment: Has PricewaterhouseCooper applied to the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment to have "Aeroplane Pilot" added to the list of Essential Skills in Demand?
  4. METIRIA TUREI to the Minister for Economic Development: Did the Regulatory Impact Analysis team raise concerns over the Regulatory Impact Statement, prepared by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment, for the New Zealand International Convention Centre; if so, what were these concerns?
  5. ANDREW LITTLE to the Minister of Justice: What action will she take in light of the revelations on a television programme last night that Malcolm Rewa was identified to police as a suspect in a rape in 1988 which turned out to be the first of 25 rapes committed by him over seven years, including the 1992 rape of Susan Burdett who Teina Pora was convicted of murdering?
  6. PAUL FOSTER-BELL to the Minister of Health: What reports has he received on patients receiving better access to health specialists?
  7. Hon MARYAN STREET to the Minister for the Environment: How does the Minister intend to maintain independence of environmental reporting in her recently announced changes to that process?
  8. DAVID BENNETT to the Minister of Revenue: What benefits will New Zealanders see from Inland Revenue's Business Transformation programme he launched yesterday?
  9. HONE HARAWIRA to the Prime Minister: Will he, now that the Bill has had its third reading, give us the names of the 88 New Zealanders that the GCSB reportedly spied on illegally; if not, why not?
  10. SCOTT SIMPSON to the Minister for Courts: What results did court collections achieve in the 2012/13 financial year?
  11. Hon ANNETTE KING to the Minister of Health: What recent reports, if any, has he received on an increase in pressure on DHBs and health professionals in providing health services in New Zealand?
  12. KATRINA SHANKS to the Minister for the Environment: What recent reports has she seen on the progress of the TV TakeBack programme?

Questions to Members

  1. DARIEN FENTON to the Chairperson of the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee: How many submissions have been received on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill?
  2. DARIEN FENTON to the Chairperson of the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee: How many submissions on the Employment Relations Amendment Bill, if any, are unique submissions who have requested to be heard?

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