29 Aug 2013
Question Time for 29 August 2013
- MAGGIE BARRY to the Minister of Finance: What recent reports has he received on the New Zealand economy?
- Hon PHIL GOFF to the Minister of Foreign Affairs: What advice was New Zealand given in New York last night on the likely response to the use of chemical weapons in Syria?
- METIRIA TUREI to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by her statements in relation to Partnership School applicants that "the range of applications we have received is impressive" and what she was impressed with was "the broad range of applicants not the calibre"?
- TIM MACINDOE to the Minister of Science and Innovation: How much will the Government invest in new research through the 2013 Science Investment Round?
- Hon DAMIEN O'CONNOR to the Minister for Primary Industries: Does he stand by all his statements?
- ALFRED NGARO to the Minister for Social Development: How is the Government promoting technology to support young fathers to better connect, interact, and parent their children?
TE URUROA FLAVELL to the Minister of Labour: He aha tāna tātaritanga mō te pūrongo e kii ana, atu i te 11,000 ngā pāhi kua tango mahi i ngā kaimahi i roto i te tau tuatahi o tā te Kāwanatanga 90 rā whakawā mahi; e hia o ēnei o ngā kaimahi he kaimahi Māori, Pasifika rānei kei raro i te tau 25?
- Translation: What analysis has he undertaken on the report that more than 11,000 employers fired at least one worker during a trial period in the first year of the Government's 90 day work trial law; and amongst the group of employees fired, how many were Māori, Pasifika and aged under 25 years old?
- RICHARD PROSSER to the Minister of Conservation: Does he stand by all his statements regarding 1080?
- GARETH HUGHES to the Minister for the Environment: Why has her Ministry proposed that applications for exploratory deep sea drilling won't require public notification given that it is the same activity that the Deepwater Horizon was engaged in when it exploded and sank in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010?
- DARIEN FENTON to the Minister of Labour: What advice, if any, has he received about whether workers will be better or worse off under the Employment Relations Amendment Bill?
- Dr PAUL HUTCHISON to the Associate Minister of Health: What recent announcements has she made regarding publication of rest home audit information on the Ministry of Health website?
- CHRIS HIPKINS to the Minister of Education: Does she stand by her statement with regards to Wanganui Collegiate that "integrating the school will ensure…that a Collegiate education is available to a wider number of students"; if so, why?