15 Apr 2014
Question Time for 15 April 2014
- DAVID BENNETT to the Minister of Finance: How will the Budget next month help to lock in the benefits of sustainable economic growth to support more jobs and higher incomes for New Zealanders?
- Hon DAVID PARKER to the Prime Minister: Does he have confidence in all his Ministers?
- JONATHAN YOUNG to the Minister for Economic Development: What steps is the Government taking to encourage more investment in New Zealand's regional economies?
- CHRIS HIPKINS to the Minister of Education: When did she first become aware that the New Zealand Qualifications Authority had posted hundreds of examination booklets to the wrong students?
- Dr RUSSEL NORMAN to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by all of his Government's policies?
- LOUISE UPSTON to the Minister for Social Development: What recent changes has the Government made to the social housing sector?
- Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Justice: Does she maintain that it is not in the public interest to answer all questions regarding Oravida?
- IAN McKELVIE to the Minister for Communications and Information Technology: What reports has she received on the progress on the Remote Schools Broadband Initiative?
- Dr KENNEDY GRAHAM to the Minister for Climate Change Issues: Does he stand by his statement in this House on 8 August 2013 that: "We have every reason to be concerned about New Zealand's reputation, but our action on climate change right now is not amongst those reasons."?
- IAIN LEES-GALLOWAY to the Minister for ACC: On what date did ACC adopt the policy to stop paying compensation to people who refused to provide a signed, unaltered copy of the ACC167 form?
- KANWALJIT SINGH BAKSHI to the Minister of Health: What progress has the Government made on capital investments in health in Counties-Manukau?
- GRANT ROBERTSON to the Minister of Justice: Does she stand by her statement that "in hindsight" she should have noted her dinner with her husband's fellow Oravida Ltd directors and a senior Chinese border control official in her report to Cabinet on her Ministerial visit to China in October 2013?