Ko te wiki o te reo Māori - it's Māori language week and our Party People discuss how important te reo Māori is to their whānau, the environment under which they began their reo journeys, how things have changed for their kids and the government's responsibility for, and role in, the revitalisation of te reo.
We delve into the treasure trove of Ngā Taonga Sound and Vision and listen to Sir Peter Buck, also know as Te Rangi Hiroa, talk about how he became a politician.
And they give their predictions for the Te Tai Tokerau electorate - will Billy Te Kahika win and take Jami Lee Ross with him to parliament, how has Kelvin Davis done, who is desperately missing Hone Harawira, and has Jenny Marcroft been hard done by when it comes to the NZ First list?