19 Apr 2022

Level 4 Lockdown Announcement

From Whakamāori, 5:00 am on 19 April 2022

On March 26, 2020, Aotearoa was plunged into a level four lockdown and the global covid-19 pandemic hit our shores for the first time.

The Whakamāori team decided to figure out what that announcement might have sounded like if it was delivered in te reo Māori.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern's announcement that we would all have to stay home for four weeks was stunning - and at the time much of what she was saying was new to all of us.

Find out if the new kupu tripped our the Whakamāori team.

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TRANSLATIONS - printable version here

Nā Chey Milne


Good afternoon. The Cabinet met this morning to discuss our next actions in the fight against COVID-19.

Like the rest of the world, we are facing the potential for devastating impacts from this virus. But, through decisive action, and through working together, we do have a small window to get ahead of it.

On Saturday I announced a COVID-19 alert level system and placed New Zealand at Alert Level 2.

I also said we should all be prepared to move quickly. Now is the time to put our plans into action.

We are fortunate to still be some way behind the majority of overseas countries in terms of cases, but the trajectory is clear. Act now, or risk the virus taking hold as it has elsewhere.


Ahiahi Mārie. I hui te kāhui whakahaere I te ata nei ki te wānanga I tā tātou anganga whakamuatanga I roto I te take kowheori.

Pēnei I ngā iwi o te ao, tērā pea ka pāngia kinotia tātou e tēnei huaketo. Hoi, mā te koke tika, mā te mahi ngātahi anō hoki, he wāhanga iti kei a tātou ki te anga whakamua.

I te rāhoroi, I pānuitia e au ngā taumata ōhiti Mate Korona, ka mutu, I whakatauria kia noho a Aotearoa ki raro I te taumata ōhiti tuarua.

I kī hoki au, me rite tātou ki te koke. Kua tae ki te wā e tatū ai ngā whakaritenga. 

E Waimarie ana, kei muri tonu tātou I te nuinga o tāwāhi mō te taha ki ngā kēhi. Hoi, e mārama ana te kite. Me whakamomori tātou, kei rite te kino o te kōwheori ki whenua kē 


Nā Ani-Piki Tuari


Right now, we have a window of opportunity to break the chain of community transmission to contain the virus to stop it multiplying and to protect New Zealanders from the worst.

Our plan is simple. We can stop the spread by staying at home and reducing contact. Now is the time to act.

That’s why cabinet met today and agreed that effective immediately, we will move to alert level 3 nationwide.

After 48 hours, the time required to ensure essential services are in place, we will move to level 4. These decisions will place the most significant restriction on New Zealanders' movements in modern history.

This is not a decision taken lightly. But this is our best chance to slow the virus and to save lives.


Ināia tonu nei, kai a tātou te āheinga ki te whakatū i te horapa-ā-hapori o te raupapa tukumate – hai aukati i te huaketo – hai haukoti i tana tipu kia whakahaumarutia ai a Ngāi Aotearoa, kai hē kē atu. 

He māmā te rautaki.   Mā te noho raungaiti, mā te pā kore ki te tangata e mutu ai te horapa.  Kua tae te wā kia tū-matau. (OR kia areare ngā mata)

Koinā i hui ai te kāhui minita i te rā nei, i whakatau ai hoki kia noho a Aoteroa whānui ki te taumata ohiti tuatoru.  

Tāria te 48 hāora, kia whai wā ngā ratonga matua ki te whakarite i a rātou anō, ka piki anō tātou ki te taumata ohiti tuawhā.  Ko ēnei kōwhiringa, ka whakatau i te herenga nui katoa ki runga i a Ngāi Aotearoa i te hītori o te ao hōu nei.  

Ehara tēnei i te whakataunga poka noa. Heoi anō, koinei te ara tika, me kore noa e tūpono ka whakapōturi i te huaketo, ka whakaora hoki i ngā tāngata


Nā Anaha Hiini


We currently have 102 cases. But so did Italy once. Now the virus has overwhelmed their health system and hundreds of people are dying every day.

The situation here is moving at pace, and so must we. We have always said we would act early.

Today 36 new cases were announced. While the majority of these cases continue to be linked to overseas travel in some way, I can also confirm, as did the director general of health, that we have 2 cases where public health officials have been unable to find how they came in contact with covid-19.

On that basis, we now consider that there is transmission within our communities.

If community transmission takes off in New Zealand the number of cases will double every five days. If that happens unchecked, our health system will be inundated, and tens of thousands New Zealanders will die.

There is no easy way to say that but it is the reality we have seen overseas and the possibility we must now face here.

Together, we must stop that happening, and we can.


Kotahi rau mā rua ngā kēhi i tēnei wā nei. I pērā hoki te āhua i Itari. Ināianei kua horapa te huaketo huri noa e mīere ai tā rātau pūnaha hauora, ka mutu, e hia rau tāngata e mate ana i ia rā.

E anga whakamua tonu ana te tūāhua nei, nō reira, me pērā hoki tātau.  He rite tonu tā tātau kī atu ka whāia wawetia te huarahi tika.  

E toru tekau mā ono ngā kēhi hou i whakapaohohia rā i te rā nei.  Ahakoa te nuinga o ngā kēhi nei e āhua whai pānga ana ki ngā haerenga ki rāwāhi, māku tonu e whakapūmau, pēnei i tā te Kaitohu Tianara o ngā take Hauora i kī ai, e rua ngā kēhi kāore e mōhiohia ana e Te Mana Hauora Tūmatanui i ahu mai ngā mea e rua nei i hea.  

Hei āpiti atu, kua mōhio pū e rērere haere nei te huaketo i tēnā hapori, i tēnā hapori.

Ki te kino haere te urutā i Aotearoa nei ka huarua ngā kēhi i ia rima rā.  Ki te pērāhia, ka muia ngā ratonga hauora, ka mutu, e hia tekau mano ka mate i Aotearoa nei.

Kia pono te whakapuakitanga o te kōrero - koinei te tūturutanga kua kitea i rāwāhi - he tūāhua ka kitea hoki pea i konei.

Me aukati e tātau katoa te anga whakamuatanga o te urutā nei, ka mutu, e taea ana e tātau tēnei mahi te whakatutuki.

- Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, March 26 2020


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