'If he fails, at least fails while daring greatly...
The sentence is featured in the speech 'Man in the Arena' written by Theodore Rosevelt in 1910 has undoubtedly inspired people. This week Leon Blake joins the tepu alongside hosts Kimo Houltham and Anaha Hiini to translate this work and finds there are similarities of whakatauāki (proverbial sayings) that relate to Roosevelt's speech about bravery, courage, grit and determination.
Leon Blake is part of the first intake of Te Panekiretanga, the school of excellence in te reo Māori, he shares helpful tips on how to become an effective translator.
Urban dictionary a collection of slang words, this week the panel translate 'Sassy'.
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For the Whakamāori English - te reo Māori TRANSLATIONS - printable version here
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Te Māngai Pāho Photo: Te Māngai Pāho