The best* online video we’ve been watching over the last seven days.
The wonderful Tony Zhou’s Every Frame a Painting has a new episode and it’s unmissable. This sweet little mini-essay about how Buster Keaton constructed his gags cinematically will cheer up a grey lunchtime:
This was all over the joint at the end of last week (thanks to Doug Dillaman for alerting us to it). A carefully edited set of extracts from the – as usual – copious extras on the latest Hobbit DVD selected to show how chaotic and unplanned the shoot often was:
Filmmaking is hard, especially when you have the studio breathing down your neck with an immoveable release date and you didn’t really want to make the damn thing yourself in the first place.
Legend tells of a one hour BBC programme in which Michael Caine gave an acting masterclass – literally, giving a class – to a group of students. Actor friends of Widescreen would boast of having seen it but in those pre-Internet days it would have been thanks to a grainy VHS tape passed around among them. Now it is available to all, thanks to YouTube:
[*May not be the actual best. We haven't watched the entire internet.]