- ANDREW LITTLE to the Prime Minister: Does he stand by his statement "what I can say about the Minister for Housing is that he is outstanding"; if so, what has been outstanding about his roll-out of the Government's new Auckland housing policy?
- Rt Hon WINSTON PETERS to the Minister of Energy and Resources: Does he stand by all the Prime Minister's statements regarding the electricity market; if so, why?
- SARAH DOWIE to the Minister of Finance: What reports has he received showing that lower interest rates and a pick-up in construction activity are helping to support growth in the economy?
- Dr DAVID CLARK to the Minister for Economic Development: Does the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment's expenditure of $140,747.66 on a public information screen show it is achieving one of its principal goals of realising efficiency gains over time?
- JONO NAYLOR to the Minister for Social Development: What reports has she received on the Government's Youth Service?
- METIRIA TUREI to the Minister responsible for HNZC: Does he stand by his statement that "I can commit to all public services involved with these families taking the steps that they ought to take to prevent as tragic an outcome as a death"?
- Hon PHIL GOFF to the Minister of Transport: Why has he rejected Auckland City's transport strategy and its proposals to fund that strategy?
- IAN McKELVIE to the Minister for Primary Industries: What announcements has he made in Budget 2015 that will future-proof New Zealand's biosecurity system?
- EUGENIE SAGE to the Minister for Primary Industries: Does he stand by his statement in regard to the export of swamp kauri, that "we manage it very, very closely"?
- CLARE CURRAN to the Minister for Māori Development: When he met with the Chief Executive of Māori Television in May, did he or his office discuss the planned Native Affairs debate on Whānau Ora?
- RON MARK to the Minister of Police: Does he believe that the Police are allowed to carry out their duties in a professional manner, and are able to deal with all New Zealanders equally?
- SCOTT SIMPSON to the Minister for Senior Citizens: What steps is the Government taking to combat elder abuse?
Questions to Members
- IAIN LEES-GALLOWAY to the Chairperson of the Transport and Industrial Relations Committee: Does he intend to call for further submissions on the Health and Safety Reform Bill before it is reported back to the House?