Anger, anxiety, discipline, disobedience, learning, love – the mixed bag that is parenting.
Are we over-punishing our kids?
Rewards and punishments don't work, so adults and kids need to work together to solve behavioural problems, says psychologist Ross Greene.
An angry child needs you to be calm
Children who react with escalating anger to discipline practices which are usually effective for other kids are having a hardwired fear-based response which is beyond their control, says education consultant Joseph Driessen.
Tips for parenting a disobedient child
Children need limits and should not be top dog in the family, education consultant Joseph Driessen says. He gives practical tips for working with your child to break a cycle of disobedience.
Breaking the worry cycle
Attempts to protect your kids from anxiety can end up making it worse, says psychotherapist Lynn Lyons. She talks to Jesse Mulligan about what actually works.
Parenting an anxious teen
Now is not an easy time to be a teenager and those who have anxiety need help from their parents to manage it, parenting consultant Nathan Mikaere-Wallis says.
Ten things girls need most
One in five girls has a diagnosed anxiety disorder, according to Australian psychologist Steve Biddulph, who says girlhood has become more lonely, pressured and unkind.
'Kids with interpersonal skills come from homes where there are rich conversations'
Explore, debate, play and don't focus on academic performance too early, says parenting consultant Nathan Mikaere-Wallis.
Are We There Yet?
Katy Gosset explores the pleasures, pratfalls & practical lessons of parenting in the modern world.
Flying Solo
True stories of what it takes to raise children on your own in New Zealand.