ANZAC Dawn Service from Pukeahu 2021
Live coverage of the ANZAC dawn service from Pukeahu National War memorial park. Audio
The Poppy and Star Flight
A group of pilots have volunteered their time over the past month to transport two large artworks made of poppies around the country to raise money for charity as we head toward Anzac Day. The Poppy &… Audio, Gallery
Stand at Dawn for ANZAC day this year
BJ Clark, the President of the New Zealand Returned Services Association talks about this year's ANZAC commemorations with a difference. Audio
9: The First World War
It’s the war that claimed more New Zealand lives than any other. It’s also the event that’s often claimed as the "foundational moment” where we “became a nation”. But is that really true? In this… Audio
For King and Other Countries
Military historian Professor Glyn Harper has a new book out as well - it's called For King and Other Countries and focuses on the New Zealanders who served outside the New Zealand forces in the first… Audio, Gallery
ANZAC Dawn Service 2019
Phillipa Tolley commentates the ANZAC Day Dawn service live from Pukeahu National War Memorial Park in Wellington. Audio
Three Minutes Max: Heather Roy
Heather Roy is upset about the changes to the way ANZAC commemorations are being held in the wake of the Christchurch mosque shootings. Audio
Some Auckland ANZAC services cancelled in wake of mosque attacks
Two thirds of Auckland's Anzac Day commemorative events have been ditched this year because of security concerns in the wake of the Christchurch mosque attacks. RSA National President BJ Clark spoke… Audio
RSA cancels plans to include Muslim prayer in ANZAC service
Titahi Bay RSA has cancelled plans to include a Muslim prayer at the end of its ANZAC service, after it received backlash from ex-servicemen and people online, including violent threats. Audio
Mediawatch Midweek 14 November
Mediawatch Midweek is our weekly catch-up with Lately. This week Jeremy chats to Karyn about five years of First World War commemoration coverage and asks why some critical stories barely rated a… Video, Audio
Plight of refugees on Nauru, Manus highlghted in ANZAC message
An Australian priest has used Anzac Day to highlight the plight of refugees and asylum seekers held in detention centres in Nauru and Manus Island. Audio
Sarah Johnston
Sarah Johnston from Nga Taonga Sound & Vision discusses archival audio clips heard throughout the programme, and her work over the past four years accessing First World War related material. Thank you… Audio
Alex Calder
Alex Calder, an associate professor of English at the University of Auckland, edited for re-publication the classic 1963 memoir by Alexander Aitken,Gallipoli to the Somme: Recollections of a New… Audio
Christopher Pugsley
The author of many books on New Zealand's military history, Christopher Pugsley also has a deep interest in the country's early film heritage. How the moving camera captured the experience of the NZEF… Audio
'The Raw Men' by Rore Hapipi (Rowley Habib)
The poem at 9.30am was 'The Raw Men' by Rore Hapipi (Rowley Habib), recorded at Te Tira Hou Marae in Panmure, Auckland, on 4 April 1975 at a reunion of ex-servicemen of 'B' Company, of the 28 Maori… Audio
Jane Tolerton
Jane Tolerton is a Wellington historian who has often written about the First World War. Her latest book is Make Her Praises Heard Afar: the Hidden History of New Zealand in World War One (Booklovers… Audio
Adam Claasen
Adam Claasen is a senior lecturer in history at Massey University's Albany campus. His book Fearless: the extraordinary untold story of New Zealand's Great War airmen is a history of the 850 New… Audio
Kate Hunter
Kate Hunter is an associate professor at Victoria University of Wellington, where she is also the director of the Stout Research for New Zealand Studies. Among the courses she teaches is a social… Audio
Anzac family stories kept alive: 'Grandparents are the stuff of legend'
One of the artists behind a Anzac Day light and sound show, and whose grandfather fought at Gallipoli, says the occasion is about keeping family stories alive.