Benefit review body not independent - lawyer
12 Oct 2017
A lawyer is accusing the committee set up to review benefit decisions of lacking independence, and of bias against beneficiaries. Simonette Boele from Canterbury Community Law says beneficiaries… Audio
Is prejudice a habit that can be broken?
1 Jun 2017
Our unconscious biases operate like habits so we can break them like habits, says Dr Trish Devine of The Prejudice Lab. Audio
Tech news with Peter Griffin
18 Mar 2017
Claims of misinformation over Spark's wireless broadband performance; Google's crackdown on fake news; and could political bias skew our internet search results - and even our elections? Audio
Children's Commissioner says bias exists in justice, education
18 Jul 2016
The new Children's Commissioner Andrew Becroft is backing a report that shows there is bias against Maori in the education system and says he has observed bias in the youth justice system as well. Audio