Brent Edwards
'Journalism Still Matters' 10 years on
Ten years ago, the journalists' union held a summit at Parliament under the banner 'Journalism Matters' to air their fears about commercial pressures diminishing the quality of news. 10 years later…
AudioOutspoken: Democracy
Brent Edwards chairs an Outspoken panel and questions whether significant changes to governments around the world pose a threat to democracy. Audio
Worry voter participation continuing to decline despite MMP
Victoria University academics are worried that despite the introduction of MMP 20 years ago voter participation in elections is continuing to decline. Audio
Former RNZ Political Editor - Brent Edwards
Comment from former RNZ Political Editor Brent Edwards. Video, Audio
Large slips around Wellington after wild rainy weather
Two houses in Paremata in Porirua and one house in Pukerua Bay were evacuated due to slips caused by the torrential rain that lashed Wellington yesterday. RNZ News Director Brent Edwards says although… Audio
Commuters encounter slips on SH58
RNZ's director of news, Brent Edwards, has encountered slips on State Highway 58. He joins Checkpoint live from the road. Audio
Public sector head ends tenure under cloud after inquiry report
The head of the public service, Iain Rennie, will leave his job under a cloud after a critical report into leak investigation. A former MFAT head tell RNZ he's been disappointed by Mr Rennie's… Audio
Scaremongering blamed for drop in vaccination rates
Scaremongering by anti-immunisation groups is being blamed for a drop in the rate of Pakeha girls receiving the HPV vaccine, from 68 to 58 percent in the past year. Audio
Emails show ex-US ambassador worried about staff competence
Just released emails reveal the former United States ambassador to New Zealand, David Huebner, had serious worries about the competence and quality of senior staff at the American embassy. Audio
Brent Edwards live from the PM's press conference on Waitangi
Brent Edwards reports live from the Prime Minister's press conference at the Langham Hotel, where he explained his decision not to go to Waitangi. Audio
Is there a 'dark side' to NZ dairy?
New Zealand's dairy industry is touted as one of the best in the world, including in terms of its treatment of animals - but is there a dark side, asks Amelia Langford in this week's Power Play.
Public Service Neutrality under Threat?
Brent Edwards examines whether the country's public servants are being politicised Audio
PSA accuses agencies of obstructing OIA review.
The Public Service Association has accused some government agencies of obstructing the Ombudsman's Office investigation into the Official Information Act. Audio
People isolated by bridger collapse will have to wait
People left isolated by the slumping of a bridge in Upper Hutt will have to wait until the end of the week before things improve. Audio
PM promising to obey law if Lochinver Station sale wrong.
The Prime Minister is promising to obey the law if the Government is found to have wrongly stopped the Chinese-owned company Shanghai Pengxin from buying Lochinver Station near Taupo. Audio
How cynical has NZ politics become?
There is growing public disenchantment with politics, but how much of it is due to the cynical way politics is conducted now, wonders Brent Edwards in Power Play .
Focus on Politics for 14 August 2015
This week the Government finally pulled the plug on its ailing coal company Solid Energy. Audio
What a bad week for the Government
Power Play with Brent Edwards- Not only has it been unable to shake off criticism of its controversial Saudi deal, Solid Energy has gone into voluntary administration.
Not ruling out giving spy agencies greater powers
The Minister responsible for the country's spy agencies does not rule out giving them greater powers once a review of them and their legislation is completed. Audio
GCSB chief warns data collection not limited to spy agencies
The acting director of the Government Communications Security Bureau, Una Jagose, says the public should be just as concerned about private sector collection of their data as they are about collection… Audio