Australia: Covid hits Labor's campaign launch, Dutton's war
Australia correspondent Chris Niesche joins Kathryn with updates from the election campaign, which got off to a rough start for Labor when its leader Anthony Albanese came down with Covid. He'll also… Audio
Concerns voiced on security pact between China and Solomons
The United States has drawn a line in the sand for Solomon Islands regarding its recently signed security cooperation agreement with China.
Chinese censors try to block video about lockdown conditions
It's now five weeks since Shanghai's population was first ordered to stay at home as part of an extremely strict lockdown to halt Covid-19 spread.
James Griffiths: Shanghai lockdown stirs online dissent
The 26 million residents of Shanghai have been dealing with strict lockdown conditions since late March due to China's zero-Covid strategy. Audio
Solomon Islands-China security deal needs scrutiny - Mahuta
Foreign Affairs Minister Nanaia Mahuta says the new Solomon Islands security arrangement with China is unwelcome and should be open to regional scrutiny. Audio
Solomon Islands officially signs security deal with China
The Solomon Islands officially signed a controversial security agreement with China against the wishes of local political influencers and its traditional diplomatic partners Australia and New Zealand.
…Solomons-China security deal could inflame tensions says MP
A senior Solomon Islands MP has warned that the controversial security agreement with China could result in action among local opponents to the deal.
'You only take two things with you' - Jane Seymour on life, death and dementia
Hollywood star Jane Seymour's role as a grandmother with Alzheimer's has taken her to new places, but also has an important message, she tells Sunday Morning. Audio
Solomons govt confirms China security request, condemns misinformation
Solomon Islands' government has confirmed that the Chinese Embassy in Honiara requested security personnel be allowed into the country from Beijing during violent anti-government riots in November…
How Russia is dying from within
Since the late 1960s, Russia has been dying from the inside due to a birth rate that is too low and a death rate that is too high, says demographer Paul Morland. Audio
Covid-19 update with Dr Andrew Read
Will Covid-19 become an endemic, more agreeably mild virus that we just have to be wary of every winter, like the flu, or - as exemplified by the new XE variant - is this the coronavirus warming up… Audio
Should NZ be worried about the China-Solomon Islands security deal?
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has called the security deal between China and Solomon Islands "gravely concerning" - but does New Zealand really need to be worried? Audio
Calling Home: Rachel Nelson in Tashkent
Hawke's Bay native Rachel Nelson has lived in plenty of different places around the world - China, USA, Qatar and Germany, to name a few. But the experience she and her family are currently enjoying… Audio
Calling Home: Rachel Nelson in Tashkent
Rachel Nelson has lived in plenty of different places around the world - China, USA, Qatar and Germany, to name a few. But the experience she and her family are currently enjoying in Tashkent is… Audio
Fears China military presence in Solomons misguided - Academic
A Solomons academic says fears of a Chinese military presence in Honiara are misguided. Audio
Russia signals scaled-back war aim with its forces halted for weeks outside Kyiv
Moscow has signalled it has scaled back its Ukrainian ambitions to focus on areas claimed by Russian-backed separatists as Ukrainian forces move to recapture towns near Kyiv.
Chinese official calls sanctions on Russia increasingly 'outrageous'
A senior Chinese government official says sanctions imposed by Western nations on Russia over Ukraine are increasingly "outrageous".
Will Putin lose even if he wins in Ukraine?
Russian president Vladimir Putin has badly failed to read the room by invading Ukraine, says historian and political scientist Dr Liana Fix, and there are several ways he could ultimately end up… Audio
PNG man jailed for life for murder of 10 Chinese nationals
A man who killed 10 Chinese nationals in a robbery in a shop on Manus Island in Papua New Guinea nearly five years ago, has been jailed for life by the National Court.
Reformed characters: How China changed its characters
Book review Kingdom of Characters. Cultural historian Jing Tsu's tale of the evolution of the Chinese script is a surprisingly wild ride.