Covid 19
Time slots possible for Aucklanders crossing border in holidays - Hipkins
Covid Minister Chris Hipkins told Checkpoint the government is considering the option that Aucklanders have an allocated time slot to leave the region over the summer holidays.
The measure would… Video, Audio
Science commentator Siouxsie Wiles
This week, Associate Professor Siouxsie Wiles tells us about a new study that shows the risk of neurological complications is higher after catching COVID-19 than getting vaccinated and answers… Audio
Social tensions rising in PNG over Covid vaccination
Social tensions are rising in Papua New Guinea over Covid-19 vaccination. Audio
More than 300 in managed isolation in Tonga
More than 300 in managed isolation in Tonga following first Covid positive case. Audio
The disproportionate impact of covid on Utah Pacific community
Pacific Islanders in the US state of Utah still suffering more than other communities from covid. Audio
Waikato responds to alert level change plans
The government has made an in-principle decision to move the city down to step two of the alert level three roadmap next week. The parts of Waikato in alert level 3 will move to step 2 on Tuesday… Audio
NZ biotech company's device can tell if you need a Covid booster
A New Zealand-based biotech company wants to start mass producing a device which can tell you whether or not you need a Covid booster shot.
Orbis ultimately wants to see its "lab in a box" available… Audio
Auckland CBD business boss responds to level 3 step 2 plan
Auckland retail stores should be able to reopen next week, if Cabinet gives a final sign off next Monday.
That will be a move to alert level 3 step 2 in Auckland. In an open letter to the Prime… Video, Audio
Aucklanders respond to planned move to level 3 step 2
In just over a week, pending final Cabinet sign-off, Covid restrictions ease a bit in Auckland.
Checkpoint reporter Louise Ternouth is in Auckland's Onehunga with the details.
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Covid Response Minister details alert level changes
Auckland retail should be able to fling open the doors next week, if Cabinet gives the final sign off.
The Prime Minister says the high vaccination rates in the city means the risk of spread in shops… Video, Audio
Mental health becomes a pandemic political football
There's been plenty of media coverage on the mental health effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Mental Health Foundation Shaun Robinson says a lot of it has been too simplistic, or just plain wrong.
Coming up
The 'Forrest Gump' of the Captain Cook story
Author and historian Hampton Sides' latest book, The Exotic: Intrigue and Cultural Ruin in the Age of Imperialism, tells the remarkable story of Mai, a central figure in the story of Captain James… Audio
I'm Listening To This: Meg Mason
Foxton-born author Meg Mason would be forgiven for feeling like the last 12 or so months have passed in a blur. Although it was her second novel (and third book overall), the release of Sorrow and… Audio
Calling Home: Patrick Rosevear in Beijing
Wellingtonian Patrick Rosevear has certainly led a varied life in China since he moved there nearly a decade ago. Having fully immersed himself in local culture from day one in Shanghai, including… Audio, Gallery
Prof Idelber Avelar: is the end in sight for Bolsonaro?
A senate panel in Brazil has backed a report calling for criminal charges against president Jair Bolsonaro for his handling of the Covid pandemic, including crimes against humanity. Professor Idelber… Audio
NZ couple separated from baby son, denied MIQ exemption
A New Zealand couple is facing the devastating possibility of being separated from their toddler until border restrictions ease hopefully sometime next year. Audio
Covid-19: The criteria for isolating at home
Close to 300 Covid-19 cases are now isolating at home in Auckland, as the city moves to a suppression strategy.
A strict assessment criteria has to be met for someone to isolate at home and there's… Video, Audio
Concerns for Rotorua suburbs among lowest vaccination rates
While New Zealand's big cities continue to surge towards 90 percent fully vaccinated, parts of regional New Zealand are getting well and truly left behind.
Lakes DHB has identified Rotorua's western… Video, Audio
Covid Response Minister on MIQ changes, Christchurch cases
Covid 19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins explains why he did not put Christchurch into a snap lockdown given the two positive cases.
He told Lisa Owen that requiring vaccination for those travelling… Video, Audio
Managed isolation time for be halved for vaccinated arrivals
The government expects home isolation to be an option for travellers entering the country next year. Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins has announced an MIQ overhaul in three stages.
From… Audio