Covid 19
People out in force in Lower Hutt
New Zealanders are out and about right across the country, and our reporter, Jonathan Mitchell, has been out among them in Lower Hutt.
He spoke with Māni Dunlop. Audio
Contact tracing under scrutiny
Contact tracing is critical to New Zealand's ability to combat any further outbreaks of Covid-19, but is two weeks too late to wait for an app that will assist with that? National's health… Audio
Vicki Hyde on diving into the past while the future takes shape
Science writer Vicki Hyde and her husband Peter were getting ready to go on a trip to the Carribean when Covid-19 started gripping the globe. Now, nestled up at home, she's abandoned 2020 in favour of… Audio
Struggling media get takeaways from government
On Thursday media companies learned some will take away more than others from the government's first targeted Covid-19 crisis package. Meanwhile, the minister of broadcasting has signaled he'll follow… Audio
Media ramp up news of going down a level
Last Monday's announcement on moving off alert level 4 was a major event for the media. In normal times people aren't so interested in a PM's press conference co-starring top cops and public servants.
…3MM: Theresa Gattung on reducing face-to-face meetings
After leaning into using video calling services like Zoom for meetings during lockdown, leading businesswoman and author Theresa Gattung is calling for a reduction in face-to-face meetings moving… Audio
Professor Peter Doherty: No Covid-19 magic bullets yet
We're still hearing about patient trials of the Remdesivir and Hydroxychloroquine for treatment of Covid-19 patients, but Nobel Prize-winning professor Peter Doherty says neither option is shaping as… Audio
Calling Home: Chris Long in Tromso, Norway
A member of the 'most isolated family in New Zealand', Chris Long grew up at Gorge River on the West Coast. He now resides in Norway, where he works at the Tromso Wilderness Centre taking visitors on… Audio
Lack of social connectedness with elderly a big issue for Kiwis
Nearly 80 percent of Kiwis are concerned about the lack of physical contact they are having with elderly and other relatives outside their bubbles and regions, according to the latest report by… Audio
Unguarded X: Why women live longer than men
Researchers at the University of New South Wales have found that having two copies of the same sex chromosome is associated with having a longer lifespan. Co-author of the research Zoe Xirocostas… Audio
Dr Chris Smith: virologist on latest Covid-19 science
Dr Chris Smith, a consultant clinical virologist at Cambridge University, and one of BBC Radio 5 Live's Naked Scientists, is back to assess the latest research and Covid-19 scientific developments as… Audio
NZers in lockdown to stand at dawn for Anzac Day
For the first time since 1915, there will not be any public gatherings tomorrow to mark Anzac Day. But we are being asked as a nation, during this lockdown, to mark Anzac Day by standing at dawn in… Audio
Paypal sees surge in New Zealanders spending online
New Zealanders are buying up large on board games, home entertainment, education materials and alcohol.
The number of us using the electronic payment service PayPal for our online shopping has… Video, Audio
Families in shared custody fear no relief in lockdown level 3
Broken bubbles, breached family court orders and children who haven't seen their parents in weeks - that is how many families with shared childcare arrangements are describing their experience of the… Audio
At least 33,000 NZers on benefit since level 4 lockdown began
In the four weeks since the country's been in lockdown, 33,000 more people have ended up on the benefit.
The Ministry of Social Development says the demand is higher than the peak of the global… Audio
Air NZ confirms refunds available for its cancelled US flights - Consumer
Checkpoint has been extensively covering the issue of Air New Zealand refusing refunds for customers whose flights were cancelled due to Covid-19 lockdowns.
On Friday night Consumer NZ's Jessica… Audio
NZers plan to commemorate Anzac Day their way at home
Despite all ANZAC day services being cancelled due to Covid 19, New Zealanders across the country are coming up with new ways to remember the lives of soldiers who died fighting for New Zealand.
A… Video, Audio
Covid-19 level 4 lockdown: How has it been for Manurewa?
Friday marks New Zealand's final Friday in level 4 lockdown.
With all things going to plan, this will hopefully be the last time we are under these restrictions.
The lockdown has been like nothing… Video, Audio
Auckland air quality better than any time in living memory
In lockdown activity is at an all time low, giving the environment and nature a chance to bounce back.
Auckland's air quality has reached the same level it was a century ago, wildlife are flourishing… Audio
Air NZ cuts long-haul flights, ground-work: 100 Nelson jobs to go
Air New Zealand is scrambling to cut costs as it fights to remain alive in a world where few are now flying.
Despite hundreds of millions of dollars of government support, it's taking the scalpel to… Audio