Proposed changes to the RMA go too far
The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment says proposed changes to the Resource Management Act go too far. Audio
Wallaby Survey - Dale Williams
The Bay of Plenty Regional Council is teaming up with DOC to survey how many wallabies are on the loose in the Rotorua region. The dama wallabies were released near Lake Okareka in 1912 and since… Audio
No breach of rules by high country station over cattle in river
Both the Department of Conservation and the Otago Regional Council say no rules are being broken in the latest case of stock in waterways, and there'll be no action taken against one of the country's… Audio
How well protected is Crown land?
Is DoC in a position to care for more and more land acquired under the pastoral tenure review? We ask Geoff Simmons of the Morgan Foundation. Audio
NZ's biodiversity going backwards
Scientists say the country's biodiversity will keep going backwards unless the Department of Conservation gets a much needed funding boost. Audio
Critter Of The Week - Nicola Toki
Time for Critter of the Week. DoC's threatened species ambassador, Nicola Toki, talks about Stygobitic invertebrates. Audio
What's to be done about Northland's dying forests?
The Department of Conservation has admitted it can't save Northland's dying forests because it doesn't have enough money and isn't planning on asking the government for more. Six weeks ago Forest and… Audio
No money to save dying forests - DOC
Six weeks after a Forest and Bird video revealed Northland native forests are dying, the Department of Conservation has admitted it has no funding to save them . Audio
DOC rangers to be given power to arrest
DOC rangers are being given the power to arrest and will no longer need to be backed up by police. Audio
What are the barriers to making New Zealand predator free?
In the long term some experts believe many native species will be driven to extinction by introduced cats, rats, stoats and possums - the only survivors would be those living in predator free… Audio
Chinese mudflats crucial to Red Knots' survival
The Chinese government is working with New Zealand on protecting a vital bit of mudflats crucial to the survival of the migratory sandpipier - the Red Knot or Huahou. Audio
DOC worried by slump in southern Yellow-Eyed Penguin numbers
The number of yellow-eyed penguin nests in Otago and Southland has fallen to its lowest twenty-five years. Audio
DOC says watching European fairs for smuggled reptiles
The Department of Conservations is keeping an eye on an upcoming reptile fair in Germany, for any signs of protected species smuggled out of the country. Audio
1080 Drops - Dr Graeme Elliott
A massive 1080 poison offensive has successfully wiped out 95 per cent of rats and 85 per cent of stoats in targeted forests around the country. But the result still fell a bit short of what a… Audio
Māori and Pakeha collaboration on Northland conservation
Kevin Prime is a Northland farmer, forester and conservationist with a long history fostering collaboration between Maori and Pakeha on projects regenerating bush and birdlife. The 70 year old has… Audio, Gallery
Cunning rat dodging traps for over a month
The hunt is under way for a cunning rat that's been dodging traps for more than a month on the predator free Ulva Island. Audio
Forest and Bird consider legal challenge to landswap
Meanwhile Forest and Bird are considering a legal challenge to the landswap. Audio
DoC admits bats in land swap area tagged for flooding
The Department of Conservation has done a deal which could allow land home to the endangered short-tailed bat to be flooded. Audio
Critter Of The Week - Nicola Toki
The first of a weekly series on the lesser-known and loved and cuddly threatened species. Audio
DoC rescue for a seal far from the ocean
A seal is safely back at sea after finding itself stranded on a Waikato farm, many kilometres from the ocean. Audio