Rancho Notorious 4/10: I Wanna Be Like You-oo-oo
Kailey and Dan chat about a bunch of current cinema releases, but especially The Jungle Book, while Dan chats to Paolo Rotondo about his first feature, Orphans & Kingdoms. Video, Audio
Video: The Jungle Book review
The Jungle Book is another great example of Disney exploiting its heritage with style and wit, according to Dan Slevin. Video
Video: Zootopia review
Disney’s Zootopia is terrifically entertaining but doesn't show enough confidence in its audience, according to Dan Slevin. Video, Audio
Stars Wars sequel breaks box office records
Disney's big gamble on Star Wars has paid off, its new film breaking world box office records on its opening weekend. Audio
Tomorrowland - film review
Simon Morris reviews Tomorrowland, an old-fashioned look back on the future… Video, Audio
2014 Janet Frame Lecture by Gavin Bishop
In the 2014 Janet Frame Memorial Lecture, Gavin Bishop explores memories from his own childhood, and talks about the business of writing and drawing for children. Audio
Feature album - The Lion King
The stage musical of 'The Lion King' has just been named the highest-grossing production of all time. It's taken more dollars at the box office than any other stage show, or cinema release. Audio