Jamie Tahana
Te Waonui a TMK for Sunday 4 December
Chatham Islands iwi look to the future with the Crown; Co-governance aspirations appear to have been put on hold by the government; and, we join a wahakura workshop in Otautahi. Audio
The Week in Detail: COP27, Te Urewera, and Make It 16
The Detail podcast brings you the issues behind the news every weekday. Here's what we covered this week. Audio
The stoush in Te Urewera that's about more than just huts
The removal of back country huts in Te Urewera has brought tensions simmering within Tūhoe to the surface. Audio
Te Waonui a TMK for Sunday 20 November 2022
This week our Maori news look atreforms to the Resource Management Act and The Maori Electoral option Bill. Audio
Grim prospect of retirement for Māori
New research is highlighting the grim prospect of retirement for many Māori.
With a lower life expectancy, health disparities and fewer savings, the Retirement Commission says current retirement… Audio
Te Waonui a TMK for Sunday 16 October 2022
This week our Maori news team look at the government considering changing the law to allow police to photograph rangatahi; the results of the local body elections; and, how communities are faring with… Audio
Justice advocate unhappy with Minister's comment on police photos
A justice advocate says the police minister appears to be endorsing racial profiling.
The minister, Chris Hipkins has suggested the law could be changed to allow officers to keep taking photographs… Audio
Law change to allow police to photograph people not ruled out
The police minister won't rule out changing the law to allow officers to keep taking photographs of adults and children.
The force was called out last month for illegally taking photos and… Audio
Supreme Court quashes Peter Ellis' child abuse convictions
The Supreme Court has quashed the convictions of Peter Ellis, the Christchurch creche worker who was convicted of child sex offences in 1993, finding a significant miscarriage of justice. Today's… Audio
Thirty years since Sealord deal signing
Thirty years ago today, one of the first major treaty settlements was signed, guaranteeing Māori commercial fishing rights.
Those who were there and current leaders got together yesterday to take… Audio
50 years on from Māori language petition
Aotearoa is this week marking 50 years since a petition that kick-started the revival of Te Reo Māori.
In 1972, a group of students rallied signatures from around the country calling for a language… Audio
Police routinely break privacy laws taking photos
Illegal, widespread, and systemic - is how police conduct is being described after a scathing investigation into the routine and illegal photographing and filming of young people and adults by… Audio
Police illegally photographing youth, Maori
A report just issued by the privacy watchdog and the Independent Police Conduct Authority has found police are routinely and illegally photographing and videoing children and adults. That's just one… Audio
Prime Minister welcomed on to Turangawaewae Marae
RNZ's Maori news editor, Jamie Tahana, was at Turangawaewae Marae this morning as the Prime Minister, and the leaders from the political parties were welcomed on. Audio
Koroneihana returns to Turangawaewae marae
After two years of being online the annual celebration of Kiingi Tūheiteia Potatau Te Wherowhero te tuawhitu's coronation is back at Turangawaewae marae with thousands excited to return to commemorate… Audio
Agency failures allowed thousands of children in care to be abused, Crown officials concede
Crown officials have conceded that failures by multiple agencies allowed thousands of children in its care to be abused over decades.
Monday was the first day of a two-week hearing before the Royal… Audio
Government agencies front up to Abuse in Care Royal Commission
A two week hearing into what the state knew about the extent of child abuse in its care has begun in Auckland.
14 government agencies will front the Abuse in Care Royal Commission, starting with the… Audio
Te Waonui for Sun 7 August 2022
Unprecedented demand for kaupapa Maori mental health services; moves to protect Maori data as the government goes to the cloud; and recognition for a frontline Maori GP. Audio
Unprecedented demand for kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction service
A kaupapa Māori mental health and addiction service is facing unprecedented demand as the pandemic and its side-effects continue to bite.
It has a new programme and extra funding, but warns that is… Audio
Effort needed to increase childhood vaccination rates - expert
Health experts are warning that a big effort is needed to turn around plummeting childhood vaccination rates.
Internationally, first dose vaccinations for measles are at their lowest in more than a… Audio