Jim Mora
Professor Michael Baker answers listeners' Covid-19 questions
Professor Michael Baker, the public health physician from the University of Otago, Wellington, has been with us since the pandemic's early days and joins the show once again to answer your Covid-19… Audio
Linda Clark & Michael Barnett on NZ's Covid-19 response
Panellists Linda Clark and Michael Barnett are back again to offer their thoughts on New Zealand's response to the threat of Covid-19 and how the country is managing 10 days into the lockdown period.
…Covid-19: Kiwis now more concerned about becoming seriously ill
Research NZ continues to take the pulse of the nation through the Covid-19 lockdown. Emanuel Kalafatelis joins the show to reveal the results of the latest survey, which shows Kiwis are more worried… Audio
3MM: Tommy Kapai Wilson on trading in mana, not money
Three Minutes Max, Kiwis with short opinions. Here's Tommy Kapai Wilson from Tauranga's Te Tuinga Whanau Trust on the meeting of a bat and a cat in a Wuhan wet market, and how we must now trade in… Audio
Covid-19: 'Do-gooder impostor' cases on the rise
With so many people now working from home, or not at all, due to Covid-19, the 'impostor syndrome' that occurs in the workplace is on the backburner. It has been replaced by a rise in what Dr. Sandi… Audio
Calling Home: Tom Simpson in Katrineholm, Sweden
Sweden is taking a very different approach to controlling the spread of Covid-19. Tom Simpson, who runs a NZ Pie business from Katrineholm, talks to Jim about how life has changed in Sweden despite… Audio
New Zealander stuck in Peru during Covid-19 lockdown gets back to UK
We've been speaking with Jo Tovee, a Kiwi stuck in Lima amid some fraught circumstances as a tourist during the Covid-19 lockdown. Since we last caught up with Jo, she managed to get on a UK… Audio
Professor Gary McLean: International Covid-19 update
Gary McLean is a professor in molecular immunology at London Metropolitan University who specialises in infectious diseases, immunology and antibody engineering. He joins us on the spread of Covid-19… Audio
A Korero Between a Poet and an Activist Accounting Scholar
An excerpt from the collab poem 'A Korero Between A Poet and An Activist Accounting Scholar About COVID-19' by Selina Tusitala-Marsh and Pala Molisa. Audio
New York is now the world's coronavirus hotspot
New York is the world's coronavirus hotspot now, with hospitals overwhelmed as they were in Italy. US correspondent Karen Kasler joins the show to discuss. Audio
Ill-equipped isolators place strain on Great Barrier Island
Great Barrier Island sounds like the ideal place to isolate during the lockdown but resident Tom Daly, who lives there with his wife and three kids, says some people have arrived on the island… Audio
How to change your habits? Start very small
Forget thinking big. Behaviour scientist Dr. BJ Fogg says we should instead be thinking small and introducing tiny behaviours. Video, Audio
How coronavirus is unfolding around Australia
Bizarre has seemingly become the new norm across the ditch since the Covid-19 outbreak. Australian correspondent Rebekah Holt joins the show with all the latest. Audio
New Zealander in China: 'Life is back to normal here'
We spoke with New Zealander Lew Dagger a few weeks back ago when China was in lockdown, but now he says life is pretty much back to normal. In fact, he has even managed a sit-down meal in a… Audio
Wendyl Nissen: Living Simply Through the Seasons
A Natural Year follows Wendyl Nissen's tranquil life in the Hokianga countryside over a twelve month period. She joins the show to discuss her new book and how the move to self-isolation in the… Audio
Professor Michael Baker answers your Covid-19 questions
Public health physician from the University of Otago, Wellington, Professor Michael Baker has been a leading voice throughout this current Covid-19 crisis and he joins us again on Sunday Morning to… Audio
3MM: Vaughn Davis on things of beauty in times of crisis
Vaughn Davis is the owner and creative director at The Goat Farm. He offers his thoughts on a public toilet built in the darkest hours of WW2 - a story of beauty and hope that is entirely relevant in… Audio
Remdesivir looms as most likely Covid-19 drug
Remdesivir is being billed as the most promising Covid-19 drug by researchers. Andrew Joseph is a reporter at STAT covering health and medicine who has been looking into Remdesivir. Audio
The challenges of isolating in a holiday park during Covid-19
Steve and Jacqui Clark have lived in Brunei for the last four years, but returned to NZ for a holiday just before the country's Covid-19 restrictions kicked into gear. The couple are now holed up in a… Audio
Linda Clark and Michael Barnett on NZ's Covid-19 response
Today marks day four of New Zealand's nationwide Covid-19 lockdown. We're joined by commentators Linda Clark and Michael Barnett to see how they feel New Zealand is handling the situation. Audio