New York
'She's not going to spill the beans on Prince Andrew' - Ghislaine confidante
A longtime friend and confidante of Ghislaine Maxwell says she is not likely to spill the beans on Prince Andrew. Philadelphia-based journalist Laura Goldman was in touch with Epstein's associate just… Audio
How beautiful young women are used to boost the status of men
Dr. Ashley Mears is a former fashion model turned academic sociologist. Her new book Very Important People looks at how clubs and restaurants pay promoters to recruit beautiful young women to their… Audio
Flor de Toloache: the NYC women making mariachi music
Trevor Reekie talks to Flor De Toloache - an all women mariachi group from New York City that's bucking tradition and playing a style of music usually performed by men. Audio
Wendy McCulloch: Kiwi vet helping New York pets
Before becoming a vet, New Zealander Wendy McCulloch worked as a caterer for some of the biggest acts in music, including Tina Turner and the Rolling Stones. Now based in New York, she's been offering… Audio
Calling Home: Anna Dare in Toronto, Ontario
Dr. Anna Dare is the Chief Resident at the Trauma Surgery service at Toronto's Sunnybrook Hospital, but as of a few weeks ago she was redeployed to the ICU to cover shortages and help look after the… Audio
Covid-19: New York ICU worker hosting livestream parties
Dr. Steven Winnett is a Nurse Anaethetist at a New York hospital who is on the front line caring for Covid-19 patients in an ICU. In his downtime, he brings smiles to faces by hosting massive… Audio
Inside Colombia's cocaine cartels
War correspondent Toby Muse spent 15 years living in Colombia and gained an unprecedented level of access to the local drug cartels. His new book, Kilo, traces the life cycle of a kilogram of cocaine.
…Deborah Feldman: inspiring Unorthodox
The German-American writer Deborah Feldman's 2012 memoir Unorthodox: The Scandalous Rejection of My Hasidic Roots tells the story of her escape from an ultra-religious Hasidic community in Brooklyn… Video, Audio
Anushri Anandaraja: health workers’ champion in NYC
New York City remains at the epicentre of the US experience of the novel coronavirus. Although thankfully hospitalisations, new cases and deaths now seem to be on a downward path, its health system… Audio
Coronavirus: US death toll hits 10,000
The coronavirus death toll in the United States has risen above 10,000 amid some preliminary signs that the crisis in New York may have reached its peak.
President Trump declared there is light at… Audio
The streamer at the heart of the esports chess boom
Following in the footsteps of esport stars playing games like Fortnite in front of thousands of adoring fans, full-time chess streamer Alexandra Botez is at the forefront of the revolution that is… Audio
New Zealander Angus Vail on the NYC coronavirus threat
Angus Vail is no stranger to Sunday Morning, having featured last year when he helped arrange a US fundraiser for the victims of the Christchurch mosque attacks. He returns to look at the coronavirus… Audio
Auckland's beloved Unity Books named International Book Store of the Year
The beloved little bookshop on Auckland's High Street has been recognised at the the London Book Fair by winning the 2020 Bookstore of the Year Award. Audio
Study on rabbits reveals the secret to living a longer life
In 1978, a seemingly straightforward experiment involving New Zealand rabbits discovered that kindness made the difference between a heart attack and a healthy heart. It's called the 'rabbit effect'… Audio
Why you should always keep a $100 bill in your wallet
If you are the sort of person who keeps a $100 note in your wallet, you might be saving money without even trying. Professor Priya Raghubir from the NYU Stern School of Business joins the show to… Audio
Can Michael Bloomberg's billions buy the Democratic nomination?
Former New York mayor Michael Bloomberg stepped into the spotlight this week appearing on stage for a debate with five other candidates for the Democratic nomination. The billionaire has already spent… Audio
The life and times of spoonbender Uri Geller
Spoon-bending celebrity psychic Uri Geller is a mystifier and probably the most investigated paranormalist of all time. He is also distantly related to Sigmund Freud and originated spoonbending. And… Audio
Designing cities with 'sustainable mobility'
Expat urban designer Skye Duncan landed a top job in New York working for Michael Bloomberg on one of his philanthropic projects. As Director of the Global Designing Cities Initiative at the National… Audio
Great album: Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York
Great album: Nirvana MTV Unplugged in New York Audio
To Hyphenate or not to Hyphenate: That is the question
Mobile grammarian Ellen Jovin joins the show for an update on her Grammar Table tour across the United States and to offer her take on the Associated Press assertion that the hyphen is a thing of the… Audio