Panama Papers
New Zealand is the 'wrong place to be secret', John Key says
Panama Papers NZ - The Prime Minister has reiterated his view New Zealand is not a tax haven when questioned about the latest Panama Papers revelations in Parliament today. Video, Audio
Foreign trusts skyrocket from 2006 to 2016
In the last decade, the number of foreign trusts established in New Zealand has skyrocketed from nearly 2,000 in 2006 to over 10,000 today - though then - Minister of Revenue Peter Dunne says IRD did… Audio
Political Editor on PM response to Panama accusations
The Prime Minister is trying to front-foot the Panama Papers controversy - promising to act if any significant problems are revealed through the documents or the review of disclosure rules. Political… Audio
Winston Peters calls for 'tax haven' inquiry
Following the release of the Panama Papers, NZ First leader Winston Peters has called for a Commission of Inquiry into what he says is New Zealand's role as a tax haven. Video, Audio
Will the Panama Papers hurt the National party?
Will the allegations linked to the Panama Papers have an adverse effect on John Key and the National party? John Campbell went to Mossack Fonseca to find out. Video, Audio
PM responds to Panama accusations, events
This afternoon, Prime Minister John Key took to the Beehive theatrette to respond to events, revelations and accusations of the day relating to the Panama Papers in his weekly post-Cabinet press… Video, Audio
Papers reveal involvement of rich in trusts
The Panama Papers have thrown up how far the world's rich will go to shield their involvement with the opaque trusts created for them in New Zealand. Audio
Panama Papers 2
Tax expert Mark Keating joins the Panel for a discussion about round-2 of the Panama Papers. Audio
NZ at heart of Panama money-go-round
EXCLUSIVE - Panama Papers NZ - Mossack Fonseca is sending its clients to New Zealand for "wealth protection", and has set up an office in Auckland.
Political commentators Mike Williams & Matthew Hooton
Political commentators Mike Williams & Matthew Hooton discuss the weeks political news including the latest revelations and fall out from the Panama Papers and pre budget announcements. Audio
The Panama Papers New Zealand connection
A coalition of journalists from RNZ and One News - along with journalist and author Nicky Hager has spent last week poring over the Panama Papers to uncover New Zealand's role in setting up shelf… Audio
Past comments of Key and Woodhouse about tax havens
New Zealand is at the heart of a tangled web of secretive shelf companies, and obscure trusts being used by well heeled South Americans to organise their private wealth, business affairs, and channel… Audio
Tax expert weighs in on NZ's role in Panama Papers
Robin Oliver is a former Deputy Commissioner of Policy at Inland Revenue and now a director, and tax advisor, at Oliver Shaw Audio
New Zealand's part in the Panama Papers
New Zealand's place at the heart of a tangled web of secretive companies and trusts used by rich South Americans to manage their wealth has been revealed in a selection of documents from the so called… Audio
Investigating the Panama Papers
Seven journalists, 11 million documents, one week, and countless searches have shed light on New Zealand's role in the murky affairs detailed in the Panama papers. Audio
New details about NZ's role in tax shelter industry
New Zealand is at the heart of a tangled web of secretive shelf companies, and obscure trusts being used by well heeled South Americans to organise their private wealth, business affairs, and channel… Audio
New Zealand's role in tax haven industry revealed
The extent of this country's involvement in the global tax haven industry is revealed in 61,000 documents selected from the Panama Papers trove leaked from law firm Mossack Fonseca. Audio
Panama Papers: The story so far
Panama Papers NZ - What has the fallout from the Panama Papers been in New Zealand up until today?
Mossack Fonseca NZ's registered office responds
Panama Papers NZ - Bentleys, in Auckland's Queen Street, is the registered office of Mossack Fonseca NZ. Co-founder Roger Thompson responds to our questions.
Labour would ban foreign trusts
Foreign trusts should be banned as there is no value in them, Labour leader Andrew Little says.