Pike River
Mother of Pike explosion responds to news remains found
Josh Ufer was one of two Australians killed in the Pike River mine explosion, eleven years ago this Friday.
His partner Rachelle Weaver was pregnant with their daughter Erika and the family was… Video, Audio
Pike families in shock at news humain remains seen in mine
The news human remains have been discovered inside the Pike River mine comes just days ahead of the 11th anniversary of the deadly explosion.
It's left families in shock, while others have expressed… Audio
Bernie Monk on Pike River operation: 'They just try to wear us out'
Police have announced human remains have been seen on camera in a mine shaft at Pike River. Spokesman for the families of those killed in the explosion nearly 11 years ago Bernie Monk tells Lisa Owen… Video, Audio
Human remains found in Pike River Mine
Pike River family representatives say human remains have been discovered, but police say they can not be recovered. Watch the media conference here.
Some Pike River families picketing to stop mine being sealed
Families of some of the men killed in the Pike River mine explosions are picketing the site to stop it being sealed. The Government announced in March funding had run out and it would be closing the… Audio
Group representing some Pike River families sue govt
A group representing some Pike River families is suing the government over its decision to seal off the mine.
The families say they were not told of the move, instead hearing about it in the media.
… Audio
No more funding for Pike re-entry, commitments met - Little
The government will not budge on further funding for the Pike River recovery, saying it has met all its commitments.
It comes despite renewed calls from some families to honour promises made and go… Video, Audio
Pike families accuse Little of breaking mine re-entry promise
Pike River families have accused the minister in charge of breaking his promise, and have urged him to reconsider going further into the mine.
A public statement last week, issued by the Pike River… Audio
'We're not going to lay down' - Pike family may sue govt
The father of one of the Pike River victims is considering legal action against the government for not going further inside the mine.
The Family Reference Group, representing most of the 29 victims… Audio
Pike River families 'with heartbreak' accept no funding to expand project
Families of miners killed in the Pike River tragedy say they are heartbroken by news there will be no more government money to expand the project to recover their loved ones' bodies.
29 lives lost: The Pike River mine disaster
A commemorative service has been held at Parliament to mark 10 years since the Pike River Mine tragedy. Audio
The Pike River tragedy: 10 years on
Jim Mora speaks to Rebecca Macfie, who wrote the book 'Tragedy at Pike River Mine'. Audio
10 years on from the Pike River disaster
Documentary maker Tony Sutorius became involved with the families of the Pike River disaster victims while he was filming the last year of Helen Kelly's life. He talks to Jesse about the work they've… Audio
Pike River mine tragedy remembered 10 years on
Friends and family have started gathering in Atarau, north of Greymouth, to mark the 10 year anniversary of the Pike River mine disaster.
On this day in 2010, 29 men went to work at the mine, only to… Audio
Robots from Pike River access tunnel handed to police
Two robots have been recovered this week from the Pike River Mine access tunnel.
Pike River mine: Entry tunnel recovery cost soars to $47 million
The cost of recovering the entry tunnel to the Pike River mine has dramatically increased.
Beyond the last hurdle in Pike River Mine.
A four-man team from the Pike River Recovery Agency were able to move beyond the 170 metre seal today. They were the first people to get that far in eight years. It's the last major hurdle in moving… Audio
Pike mine re-entry: Team step through 170m seal into drift
Shortly after 11:30am Tuesday the Pike River Recovery team stepped through a door chiselled into the concrete wall sealing the mine 170 metres into the drift.
It is uncharted territory - no one has… Video, Audio
Pike River re-entry: What happens next?
The Pike River recovery team expects to break the main seal and push further into the mine by Christmas if all goes according to plan.
WorkSafe has signed off on an exemption that will allow the next… Video, Audio
Pike re-entry possible by Christmas
A recovery team could start exploring deep inside the entry tunnel to the Pike River mine by Christmas.
It comes after Worksafe signed off on the Pike River Recovery Agency's plan, as they work to… Audio