Homeless shaken awake because shelter doesn’t have consents
Rotorua Lakes Council is rushing through consents for a homeless shelter so people don't have to be shaken awake every half an hour because they're not allowed to sleep there. Audio
Man's drink-driving conviction overturned due to poo incident
A judge has overturned a drink driving conviction because police repeatedly refused to let the appellant go to the toilet, and he ended up soiling himself - an act the judge said was humiliating. Video, Audio
Damage still being assessed in Rotorua - Civil Defence
Civil defence in Rotorua says council staff are still working at getting a complete picture of the damage caused by Sunday's extreme wet weather. At the peak of the storm more than 50mm of rain fell… Audio
Floodwaters up to armpits in Ngongotaha
John Healey was left with only the clothes he was wearing after his home was flooded in record rain. He told Bridget Burke the scale of the damage was only just beginning to sink in. Audio
Giant sinkhole opens up after record rain in Rotorua
The massive sinkhole, or tomo, which runs along a fault-line at a Tumunui farm, is about 200 metres long, 30 metres wide and 20 metres deep. Farm manager Colin Tremain tells Alex Perrottet all about… Video, Audio
Tensions in Tūhoe following Treaty settlement
Tensions within Tūhoe in the wake of their $170 million treaty settlement were evident when 13,000 members of the iwi met in Rotorua at the weekend for the two-yearly tribal festival. The iwi's post… Audio
Tūhoe come together for bi-ennial Ahurei festival
More than 15,000 people are expected to enjoy kapa haka, sports, debates and more at the three-day bi-ennial Tūhoe Ahurei festival. Video, Audio
2018 Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture by Dr Kim Workman
Dr Kim Workman explores the historical background to why Maori imprisonment rates are high and still rising, and considers what the alternatives to our current approaches are. Audio
'We are never going to let the memories of our unique tribe fade'
A new book that tells the stories of Rotorua iwi Ngāti Wāhiao and the people's connection to the Whakarewarewa Valley has finally gone to print.
E patient Dave: 'Gimme my damn data!'
Get online, get access to your medical records, and take charge of your health decisions. That's the advice of Dave deBronkart, an international patient superstar, known for being an advocate of… Audio
Rotorua eagerly anticipates new Forestry headquarters
Rotorua is poised to become one of the first centres to benefit from the new government's regional economic development plans. The Ministry for Primary Industries is being dismantled and split into… Audio
Heli crash likely human manufacturing error
A helicopter crash in Rotorua last year was caused by an event so rare it has no implications for aircraft safety, the Transport Accident Investigation Commission has found.
Five charged over deaths of uncle and nephew
Five men have been charged over the men found dead in the Mamaku Forest in Bay of Plenty.
Inquest into toddler Moko's death reopens in Rotorua
The second part of an inquest into the death of three-year-old Moko Rangitoheriri opens in Rotorua today. The toddler was abused and beaten to death by a couple who were meant to be looking after him… Audio
Police officer seriously injured in Rotorua attack
The officer was trying to arrest a man for assault when another person struck his head, knocking him out.
Blue Light Senior Boys School planned for Taupo
Two new charter schools are opening in Taupo and Rotorua specifically for Maori students. Principal of the Blue Light School, Mike Jackson, says the experience will be holistic for the students and it… Audio
Help sought to identify Kaituna River body
Police are asking for help to identify the body of a man found in a river near Rotorua yesterday afternoon.
Officer who fatally shot man with slasher was justified - report
Police were justified in fatally shooting a Rotorua man armed with a slasher, the IPCA has found.
Demand for answers over baby left in hot car
The Ministry for Vulnerable Children says it could have acted faster in the case of a baby who was left in a hot car and died.
Parents' 'repeated failures' led to death of baby left in hot car
Eight-month-old Isaiah Neil died after being left in a hot car for three hours, while his parents and grandmother smoked synthetic cannabis and went to sleep.