Bees 15: A Taste of Honey
Pro Maureen Maxwell pro shows me how to tell my mono-florals from my blends. She tastes honey for a living. Audio
Bees 14: Honey Extraction
We drop in on commercial beekeeper Frank Lindsay to see how honey gets extracted from the hive. Audio
Bees 13: Hive Check
After recent disasters affecting the backyard bee team are we ever going to get any honey? Audio
Bees 12: Toxic Tutu
Toxic honey's been in the news recently. The culprit's tutin, a toxin that gets produced when bees gather honeydew from the sap-sucking vine hopper insect on tutu bushes. So if you're a backyard… Audio
Big Apple bees
David Graves is an urban beekeeper in New York with 14 hives dotted around Manhattan. Audio
Bees 10: New Queen
We're having some issues in the hive, getting through more queens than Henry VIII! But we do have a new queen and she’s laying a nice pattern. Audio
Bees 9: Trouble in the Hive
The queen bee's gone AWOL and taken thousands of workers with her! I got back for a relaxing few weeks away and checked the hive, sadly there were hardly any bees and no fresh eggs or larvae. It looks… Audio
Bees 7: Check-up
David Carleton and I are opening up the hive to check that our queen is alive and well and see how the bees are getting on with producing honey. Audio
Bees 6: Merging the Swarm
Frank Lindsay, who's a commercial beekeeper, drops round with the swarm he's been looking after and gets me to open my hive and merge the two colonies. The reason for merging the two colonies is to… Audio
Bees 5: Moving into the Hive
The big day when the bees arrive at my place. The hives are painted, we've waxed the plastic frames where the bees will start to build comb. For most new beekeepers this is how you'd get your first… Audio
Bees 4: Building a Hive
There's nowhere for the backyard bees to stay yet so we heat up some wax to build a hive for them. Audio
Bees 3: Catching a Swarm
We recruit a swarm of 10,000 bees to join my back-yard bee hive. Audio
Bees 1: Meet the beekeeper
Meet our bee team for the first time, and This Way Up's bee mentor David Carleton visits Simon's place for a site inspection. Audio
Bees 2: Hive Location
We're setting up a bee hive next to the Funky Chicken Farm. The plan's to get that honey flowing while at the same time spreading the love and getting a bit of pollination happening in the 'hood. Audio
City Dwelling Bee Woman
Carol Downer is passionate about bees and says even city people can happily have their own hives. Audio