Carbon Emissions
Tech helping Kiwi businesses track their carbon footprint
As the government declares a climate emergency and the Prime Minister promises to follow it up with action, Philippa talks to two companies that aren't waiting around. The ToitÅ« carbon assess… Audio
Landfill gas could power hospital heating in Marlborough
Gas generated from a landfill could heat water at Blenheim's Wairau Hospital in a bid to cut carbon emissions.
Govt admits no clear data on state sector carbon emmissions
The government has set its sights on cutting carbon emissions in the state sector but admits it has no real information on what impact its own agencies are having on the environment.
Figures released… Video, Audio
Travel bucks the trend bringing big bucks for print media
Newspapers have been shrinking for years along with the advertising that pays the bills - but travel is bucking the trend in a big way. Ads for tours and trips often make up the majority of the ads in… Audio
The carbon emitter we're not prepared to give up
With 4.5 billion air passengers last year, and that number set to double in less than 20 years, how on earth are airlines going to help save the planet? Audio
The no-fly journey from England to China
Dr Roger Tyers is an environmental sociologist at the University of Southampton who's just travelled from Southampton to Beijing without flying. He speaks to Jim about taking on the no-fly challenge.
…Shaun Hendy and Quentin Atkinson - Grounded for climate change
Criticism is piling up for politicians and climate change scientists for the carbon emissions they use flying to conferences. In 2017, two Auckland University professors made the decision not to fly… Audio
Treespace: re-forestation on an industrial scale
A new initiative to cut New Zealand's carbon emissions: buy a mountain, and plant a bunch of trees on it! Video, Audio
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz: how buildings contribute to climate change
Professor Diana Ürge-Vorsatz is the director of the Centre of Climate Change and Sustainable Energy Policy at the Central European University in Budapest. She is also Vice Chair of the IPCC. She's in… Audio
Growing concern over rising acidity levels in seawater
New Zealand's waters are becoming more acidic due to the absorption of carbon emissions. It's not an issue confined to NZ - the world's oceans are experiencing the fastest rate of acidic change in 25… Audio
Ralph Sims: towards a carbon-zero 2050
The Productivity Commission's draft report on how New Zealand can meet the government's goal of achieving a net-zero emissions economy by 2050 was released on Friday, with some recommendations it says… Audio
Labour announces climate change policy
Climate change was a big topic at The Press debate last night and Jacinda Ardern has unveiled Labour's goal to get to net zero carbon emissions by 2050. Audio
Need for speed trumps the true cost of raising the limit
Reports of a "surge in support" for a higher speed limit cropped up in the news this week, backed by a big name broadcaster. But the environmental impact and the cost to the public went unmentioned. Audio
NZ ratifies Paris Agreement to fight climate change
The Climate Change Minister, Paula Bennett says New Zealand has ratified the Paris Agreement. It says it will reduce emissions to 30 percent below 2005 levels by 2030 Audio
Government's break on agriculture's carbon may distort land use
An economist says the agriculture sector's exemption from carbon emission targets will undoubtedly lead to inefficient land use and a lag in innovation. Audio
Greens on cost of post-2020 emmission targets
A climate change researcher says achieving post-2020 emission targets could cost New Zealand up to $53 billion. Audio
Sustainability Council says scheme is "certifiably useless"
The Sustainability Council says the scheme designed to reduce the country's emissions is "certifiably useless" and will need to be scrapped if New Zealand wants to meet its targets. Audio
Ideas for 08 November 2009: The 10:10 Campaign
This week Ideas takes a look at a popular, bottom-up approach to combatting climate change in the UK; it's called the 10:10 Campaign. A 10% reduction in carbon footprint by 2010 is the target for over… Audio
Insight Sunday 15 April: Carbon Neutrality
The Prime Minister Helen Clark wants New Zealand to become carbon neutral. She says it's a vital aim in the effort to tackle the effect of greenhouse gases on global warming. Chris Bramwell reports on… Audio