Urban Cats and Native Wildlife
Remote cameras in city gardens and 'kitty cams' worn by domestic cats are revealing what they catch and where they wander Audio
Researchers uncover the secret life of cats
Cats have been getting some bad press after being slated by entrepreneur and conservationist Gareth Morgan, who really made the fur fly with his assertion that cats are 'natural born killers' causing… Audio
Cat up a tree - again!
Moggles the 4 month old stray kitten spent at least a week up a 10-metre Phoenix palm in Waitara and nothing could coax it down. The North Taranaki SPCA tried a ladder and food, but the little grey… Audio
Feral cats
Feral cats are wreaking havoc across the country, posing a grave threat to native birds, lizards and frogs. Audio
Christchurch woman opens home to 50 quake-hit felines
Animals have also suffered upheaval because of the Christchurch earthquakes. Jan Collins is one of those caring for some the hundreds of pets who have been left homeless because of the earthquakes. Audio
Auckland Story for 6 April 2011 - Lonely Miaow
Lonely Miaow has been rescuing stray and abandoned cats in Auckland for fifteen years now. But the founder of Lonely Miaow Peter Dorman has bigger plans, to get rid of all unwanted such animals from… Audio
Spectrum for 6 June 1999 - The Lonely Miaow
David Steemson spends a night with Auckland's 'Lonely Miaow' brigade on the trail of the region's stray cats. Audio
Cats purrfect the art of exploitation
Researchers have confirmed what catlovers have long suspected: your moggie is deliberately manipulating you to gain attention and food. Audio
Animal refuges overwhelmed with homeless cats
Animal shelters are struggling to cope with larger than usual numbers of kittens and pups. Audio
Hats Made From Cats
Robyn Eades from Kings Island, Tasmania is a cottage craftsperson who makes hats from feral cats. Audio
Hybrid Cats
What do you get when you cross a humble domestic moggy with an African wild cat? Audio
Sick Feline
The main reasons cats get sick, and how to tell when your cat needs the vet. Audio
This Way Up Feature - Pets
Richard Scott from This Way Up is back with the next part of his series on cats. Audio