'Heartache' as ministry orders culling of 4000 cattle
About 4000 cattle will be culled on farms infected with the disease Mycoplasma bovis, the Ministry for Primary Industries says.
MPI confirms cattle disease at seventh farm
One new property has tested positive for the cattle disease mycoplasma bovis.
One in 11 million - Cow gives birth to triplets, then quadruplets
Becky gave birth to quadruplets Bonny, Blossom, Belinda and Bluebell last month. Danny Kavanagh told John Campbell the second batch was completely unexpected. Video, Audio
Dairy herds face destruction to fix disease
Biosecurity officials say they expect to decide by the end of the year whether they will need to order the destruction of dairy herds to wipe out a cow disease that's broken out in the South Island. Audio
Mustering courage
Precariously straddled on the Clarence Fault, New Zealand's most isolated high country station has held its first autumn muster since the Kaikōura earthquake. Alexa Cook reports.
Living lightly on the land
Geoff Copstick farms angora goats and cattle on his 90 hectare Northland property. He and his wife Kate live "off the grid" and see living in harmony with the land as the ultimate sustainable… Audio
Bovine TB found in Tasman herd
Bovine tuberculosis has been found in Golden Bay for the first time in a decade.
In the bull pen
The Te Mania Angus Stud at Conway Flat in North Canterbury has been in the Wilding family for four generations. Their goal is to breed with cutting-edge genetics while farming sustainability. Audio
The caviar of proteins
Industry leaders from seven top beef producing nations have been in New Zealand to discuss the trials of farming beef and selling it to the world.
Flies as feed
A less confronting way of introducing insects into our food chain could be to feed them to the animals we eat. Bryan Lessard is an insect specialist at Australia's Commonwealth Scientific and… Audio
'Scary ass' cows
Why Dr Neil Jordan of the University of New South Wales and the Botswana Predator Conservation Trust is painting fake eyes on cows' bottoms in Africa! Audio, Gallery
Southland farmers Nadia and Blair Wisely have a small but growing herd of beefalo, a bison and cattle hybrid that produces excellent meat. They started selling small quantities of the meat to local… Audio
Fish & Game criticise leniency shown to Chief Justice
Chief Justice Dame Sian Elias and her businessman husband Hugh Fletcher have been let off with a warning after their cattle were seen wading in a high country Canterbury lake. Audio
Cattle free to wander countryside
Yesterday morning we talked to an annoyed tramper after RNZ was sent photos of cows wandering through the Matukituki River on the doorstep of Mt Aspiring National Park. Audio
Greens weigh in on cattle polluting Take Taylor
A man who owns a bach neighbouring Lake Taylor says he has been complaining to authorities for the past decade about cattle polluting the lake. Audio
Forum wants all stock excluded from waterways by 2030
The Land and Water Forum advises the Government on freshwater management. Its members range from dairy giant Fonterra, to Forest and Bird, and the Environmental Defence Society. Last year it released… Audio
Decade of complaints on cattle in waterways
We turn now to Lake Taylor, scene of cattle in the water, in direct violation of rule 5.68 of the Canterbury Land and Water regional Plan which explicitly excludes, quote, "cattle standing in any… Video, Audio
Fish & Game says cattle in high country lake a PR disaster
Fish and Game says a photo of a herd of cattle in a Canterbury high country lake, is a public relations disaster for the country's clean, green image. Audio
Country Life Summer Edition Saturday, January 16, 2016
A selection of some of the best Country Life stories from 2015. In this episode: Sovrano Limoncello, A Photographer Like Alice and Golden Memories Audio
Country Comes To Town
Cosmo Kentish-Barnes is at the Canterbury A&P Show where he discovers duck herding, visits a sheep maternity ward, wanders through "Camp Gallipoli" and finds out about the Canterbury excavator… Audio, Gallery