Charter Schools
Charter funding disappoints and appalls
Education leaders say they are disappointed, hurt and appalled that the Government has again paid charter schools for more students than they actually have. John Gerritsen reports. Audio
Govt still funding charters for more students than they have
As you heard here earlier on Morning Report the Act Party leader, David Seymour, is defending the funding given to charter schools. Audio
David Seymour defends charter school funding
ACT's David Seymour, is the Parliamentary Under-Secretary to the Minister of Education. He has some responsibilities for the charter schools programme - a policy intitiative that the ACT party helped… Audio
Govt still funding charters for more students than they have
For the second year in a row, the government has funded charter schools for more students than they actually have. Audio
Charter schools paid for students that aren't there
Latest figures show the Government has been paying charter schools for students they don't have. Audio
ACT leader claims Labour targeting him with bill
ACT Party leader David Seymour has accused the Labour Party of targeting him with a member's bill.
Charter school performance
The government's blocked the information on the performance of charter schools. Audio
Charter schools 'not being held to account'
The Government has been accused of failing to hold charter schools to account by blocking a plan to compare their results with those of state schools.
Education expert says charter schools getting kid gloves
Professor John O'Neill Director of the Institute of Education at Massey University was among those arguing for the benchmarking. Audio
Govt accused of failing to hold charter schools to account
The Government's being accused of failing to hold charter schools to account by blocking a plan to compare their results with those of state schools. Audio
Parata vetoed charter school results comparison
The Education Minister, Hekia Parata, has vetoed a plan to compare the results of charter school students with those at state schools. Audio
Charter school students: State education was 'boring'
Charter school students have told reviewers the state schools they used to attend were "dumb" and "boring".
Govt publishes first evaluation of charter schools
The first independent evaluation of charter schools has given the publicly-funded private schools a pass mark for innovation. Education correspondent John Gerritsen has been reading the report. Audio
Charter school responds to Labour criticism
The head of a Northland charter school which two Labour MPs were rapped across the knuckles for supporting, says they did the right thing. Audio
Andrew Little responds to criticism trouble's brewing
The Labour leader has whipped two rebel MPs into line after they appeared to contradict Labour's policy opposing charter schools. Audio
Divisions in Labour over charter schools policy
Trouble is brewing in the Labour Party caucus over its policy on charter schools. Audio
Unions slam call for more charter schools
Teachers unions are outraged the Government is setting up more charter schools at the expense of state schools.
Govt pushes on with 'educational experiment'
The Government is launching a third round of applications for charter schools this year, despite the Education Minster Hekia Parata signalling in February that she had no plans to do so. Audio
Govt tightens charter school rules
The government is slashing the amount of money it gives to new charter schools and tightening its ability to keep a close watch on them. Audio
Minister defends Auckland charter school
Angry parents have accused an Auckland charter school of doing their children more harm than good.