Charity launches appeal for gift donations
The Salvation Army has launched its 2022 'Gifts of Hope' Christmas appeal so 'no kid misses out' this Christmas.
StoryWalk brings books to the outdoors
A StoryWalk will allow kids and adults to explore the outdoors while reading this summer.
Brick wall or jellyfish? What kind of parent are you?
Neuroplasticity educator and parenting expert Nathan Wallis talks with Susie about different parenting styles. Are you a brick wall, jellyfish or a backbone parent? And what is best for children… Audio
Lower North Island young patients rely on out-of-town surgeons
Children who need operations in Wellington and the lower North Island will continue to rely on out-of-town surgeons flying in, for another two years.
Specialists say the collapse of paediatric… Audio
Scott Pape: Teaching kids to be money savvy
The Barefoot Investor – a best-selling book by financial advisor Scott Pape – is said to be in one in 20 Australian homes. Pape's new book Barefoot Kids is about children and money. Audio
The Pre-Panel with Georgie Stylianou and Steve McCabe
Wallace and panellists Georgie Stylianou and Steve McCabe discuss whether playgrounds should be riskier and how that might actually benefit children. Plus, our panellists tell us what has been on… Audio
Short-sightedness 'increasing', optometrist urges less screen time for children
A group of eye specialists are urging parents and teachers to help children mitigate the risks of short-sightedness.
Family Count decision may deter blended families, divorce lawyer says
A top divorce lawyer says the case of a man being ordered to pay the private school fees of his step-daughter, despite divorcing her mother and never being the girl's legal guardian, is rare.
Disadvantage starts pre-birth: study
New research from the Growing Up In New Zealand longitudinal study shows how much easier it is for families to fall into disadvantage than it is to claw a way out. Dr Kate Prickett is a lead… Audio
Children's Commissioner on record school absences
Just 40 percent of children went to school regularly in term two this year, a new low.
Meanwhile, chronic absence, meaning children missed a third or more of their classes, nearly doubled to reach 14… Audio
Getting kids outdoors adventuring
For many new parents, getting out of the house can be a mission with nappies, change of clothes, food, buggy or front pack. Ceana Priest says - don't be daunted by that. She's mum to six year old… Audio
Bluey - the kids show adults love and the Kiwi connection
The award winning children's show Bluey is among the top ten most streamed shows on TVNZ On Demand. Animator Kiwi Rich Jeffery was lured across the Tasman to work on the show. He speaks to Kathryn… Audio
Human Rights Commission complaint over school attendance
A family has complained to the Human Rights Commission because their local school is refusing to let their five-year-old autistic son attend.
The McDonald family says Woodville School, in the Tararua… Audio
School leaders on attendance issues
Schools say there's no easy fix for low attendance rates across the country but they know what's needed.
New research by the Education Review Office shows that children are missing school more in… Audio
Children missing more school in NZ than other countries
New research indicates children are missing school more in New Zealand than other English-speaking countries.
The Education Review Office found that many parents and students do not priortise going… Audio
New Zealand Initiative on school attendance woes
A new report from the Education Review Office says attendance in schools is worse here than other countries.
New Zealand Initiative executive director of the Oliver Hartwich says this shouldn't come… Audio
$189m for childcare funding: ECE questions why boost is so far off
More families are set to qualify for subsidies to cover the cost of childcare, but early learning centres are hoping more support will be announced for them, too.
Govt urged to ease process for childcare financial help
The government's being told to make the process for applying for childcare costs easy, so it can make it into the pockets of those it's being designed to help.
More families are set to qualify for… Audio
Child missing after boat accident on Manukau Harbour
A child is missing after a boating accident in Auckland last night. The boat, carrying five passengers, capsized off Clarks Beach in the Manukau Harbour.
The principal Sandspit Road School in Waiuku… Audio
Pharmac widens access of new pneumococcal vaccine
Pharmac says tamariki are now able to receive a newly funded vaccine against pneumococcal infections.