New sexual violence support strategy needs strengthening - support service
A service helping children recover from sexual violence says there is little sign of extra help coming under a new national strategy.
The Government yesterday launched a 25-year strategy to combat… Audio
'Māori, Pacific and disabled children are bearing a much greater burden from poverty'
Māori, Pacific and disabled children are bearing a much greater burden from hardship, according to the latest Child Poverty Monitor report.
Culture of reading among children improves mental wellbeing - research
Studies have shown children's enjoyment of reading is related to a longer life, better mental wellbeing and healthier eating. Fiction reading is related to better performance at school.
Safety checks on Covid-19 vaccine for children 'does take time'
Additional safety checks on the Covid-19 Pfizer vaccine for children create the long timeframe for the rollout, says an immunologist. Audio
Govt plans vaccine rollout for 5-11-year-olds by January
Covid vaccines will be rolled out to children aged between five and 11 years old by the end of January, with vaccine supplies ready and waiting.
The government's already secured the paediatric doses… Audio
Almost 6000 switch benefits after welfare policy change
The subsequent child policy benefit sanction was scrapped earlier this month.
Stop saying children are 'resilient'
Dr Julie Spray, a medical and childhood anthropologist and a Research Fellow in the School of Population Health at the University of Auckland says it's time to Stop saying children are 'resilient'. Audio
Modern Family Court will look like a 'different world' to current system, says top judge
A modern Family Court will look and feel like a "different world" to the current system, according to the judge leading the specialist jurisdiction.
St Peter's Cambridge school reveals details of sexual abuse
The St Peter's Cambridge school chair has told Checkpoint the police are investigating historical abuse against former students.
An investigation launched in 2019 at the prominent Waikato boarding… Video, Audio
Auckland teens talk about skipping NCEA exams
Auckland teenagers are citing exhaustion, being busy, and strategic thinking as reasons for skipping some or even all of their NCEA exams.
The exams began today and in Auckland, Northland and… Audio
Call for College of Psychiatrists to apologise to Lake Alice abuse survivors
Children in the Lake Alice Child and Adolescent Unit in the 1970s were subjected to many forms of abuse, including the use of electroconvulsive therapy as a punishment.
Court 'heavily burdened' but principal judge remains optimistic about its future.
The top Family Court judge has told a law conference there's good reason to be optimistic about the court's future.
Covid-19: Fears whānau will struggle for food without assistance from schools
After three months stuck at home, many Auckland school kids will be returning to their classrooms today.
Over lockdown, many schools have been doing what they can to help struggling whānau put food… Audio
Covid-19: Mixed messages for students over NCEA exams
Some Auckland schools are telling their students it's up to them whether they sit their NCEA exams, because they can get an unexpected event grade instead.
But other schools are insisting their… Audio
How to help children adjust back to school life
As Auckland children return to school for the first time in 13 weeks the prospect of going back into the classromm can be a little daunting. Dr Emma Woodward is a psychologist and Nathan Rarere asked… Audio
Stop saying children are 'resilient'
Opinion - We don't protect children by saying they're resilient. We build resilience through policy that supports children by improving systems and providing resources, writes Dr Julie Spray.
Excitement and shellshock for Auckland pupils back at school
There's excitement, and a little bit of shellshock, among the thousands of children who today have returned to Auckland classrooms for the first time in three months.
There are rules; that groups… Audio
Covid-19: Schools update ahead of reopening
School is back in session for Auckland children who haven't been in a classroom for three months.
From new entrants to Year 10 - 200,000 are allowed back. Reporter Jean Bell was outside Mt Eden… Audio
Covid-19: Early childhood centres struggle to stay open
The Early Childhood Council is warning that some childcare centres will close permanently thanks to the vaccine mandate.
A recent ECC survey shows the no jab, no job policy will lead to nearly half… Audio
Testing schoolchildren for Covid valuable to stop spread - expert
A Covid testing expert believes surveillance testing in schools with unvaccinated children can help keep the virus in check and reassure parents its safe for kids to head back to class.
In Auckland… Video, Audio