Sheep milk company markets to Taiwan
A New Zealand company has launched two sheep milk powder products in Taiwan which are the first of their kind on the market.
Gore District mayor welcomes Chinese investment in the region
The Mayor of the Gore District Council is welcoming the Chinese investment that will see a $200 million dollar diary manufacturing plant in the region. Audio
John Key's staff knew about claims of Chinese threats
Prime Minister John Key on his weekly Morning Report slot. This week he explains why his staff did not tell him about claims China has been threatening NZ's dairy, wool and kiwifruit exporters. Audio
UK milk production drops 10% in a year
Low milk prices and plummeting milk production are forcing many UK dairy farmers out of the industry, an analyst says.
Livestock Improvement innovating despite dairy downturn
The farmer co-operative, Livestock Improvement, says the downturn in the dairy sector isn't holding it back from innovating in anticipation of better days ahead. Audio
Canterbury farmers on notice
The Canterbury Regional Council has put farmers on notice they have ten days to comply with laws requiring them to install water monitors. The rule came into effect in November 2014 but the council… Audio
Looking After the Land
Sheep farming and environmental responsibility go hand in hand on 80-year-old Malcolm Mackenzie's 193 hectare farm near Winton in Southland. Over time he has planted shelter belts of native species… Audio
Ewe Milk Sheep
Southland is home to one of the largest sheep milking operations in the world. Antara Ag Farms runs approximately 14,000 milking ewes across three properties. All the milk is processed at the Blue… Audio, Gallery
Big hopes for kiwifruit, pipfruit exports
Horticulture has boosted export revenue over the past year, prompting the Ministry for Primary Industries to predict a 3 percent rise.
A2 Milk raises forecast
The specialist dairy company, A2 Milk, has raised its underlying earnings forecast by as much as 20 percent, as its infant formula sales continue to perform well in China. Audio
Ticking time bombs in NZ economy?
Housing booms and dairy busts - what are the vulnerabilities in New Zealand's economy and what role has the government played in setting policy? Nine to Noon speaks to Kerry McDonald, former Chief… Audio
Fonterra dragged into Australian election campaign
Australia's marathon election campaign has included claims New Zealand's Fonterra and Australia's major dairy co-op have been exploiting suppliers. Audio
New futures contract an improvement - PwC
A new fresh milk futures and options contract being launched today by the sharemarket operator, NZX, offers large and small dairy farmers a way to mange milk price volatility. Audio
Fonterra forecasts prices will improve
Fonterra is taking a conservative approach to next season's payout, but is expecting prices to improve, the co-operative's chairman John Wilson says.
Australia supports indebted dairy farmers
Australia's government has announced $A550 million for dairy farmers after cuts to milk prices for farmers by Fonterra and Australian competitor Murray Goulburn.
Alexa Cook speaks to RNZ Business about latest dairy auction
Global dairy prices have risen today -- but the focus is on where Fonterra sets its new season forecast. Audio
NZ bank profits seen as likely to remain under pressure
New Zealand's biggest banks are likely to continue to see profits under pressure as the low interest rate environment and weak dairy prices are expected to continue for sometime. Audio
ECan wants polluted lakes exempted
The government is currently consulting on it's National Policy Statement for freshwater and has proposed that the national freshwater standards should include lakes and lagoons which periodically open… Audio
Twenty percent of Northland Dairy farms still too dirty
The dairy industry its cleaning up its dirty ways - but some regions seem to be doing better than others. Audio