Calling Home: Beth Matheson in British Columbia
Hawke's Bay native Beth Matheson and her partner Mike Reed live in Penticton, at the southern end of Lake Okanagan in British Columbia, Canada, where she works as a helicopter mechanic. Beth's Calling… Audio
Polar bear, honey badger and fox up for auction in Dunedin
A polar bear, a blue fox and a honey badger are all up for grabs in Dunedin this weekend at an auction of taxidermied animals. Stuffed animal collectors are an eclectic group – young and old, male and… Audio, Gallery
Meating the Need - Farmers donate animals to put meat on the table
The charity, Meat the Need was launched during last year's Covid lockdown. In its first 13 months farmers donated enough meat to make more than 430,000 meals. Audio
'It just makes sense' - one farm's sustainability story
Linda and Evan Potter are award winning "sustainable farming ambassadors". They farm sheep, beef and deer at Elsthorpe in southern Hawkes Bay. Nearly a quarter of their farm is preserved in the QE2… Audio
Calling Home: Lukas Beech in Seoul, South Korea
Lukas Beech lives in Seoul Forest and is involved with the New Zealand Tech Roadshow, which invites Kiwi technology companies to explore the opportunities for business in South Korea. He's Calling… Audio
Oh deer - A tough outlook for the deer industry
The chief executive of Deer Industry New Zealand, Innes Moffat says it will be a tough 12 months for venison sales as Covid-19 disrupts supply chains and slows down the sale of premium meats. Audio
Wild venison cull provides jobs and food
Fiordland wapiti, which in North America are known as elk are prized by hunters, but conservationists argue that they are a threat to native forests. An agreement between the Fiordland Wapiti… Audio, Gallery
Deer are Not Like Moa
There's been a long held theory that, like the moa, introduced deer do a good job of keeping the ecosystem balance in our landscape and without them, plants would grow out of control. However, a new… Audio
Deer milk pud? Don't mind if I doe
New Zealand's pioneering deer milk industry has been going from strength to strength this year, picking up a host of accolades. Audio, Gallery
World Deer Congress
Deer Industry New Zealand's Tony Pearse has recently returned from the 7th World Deer Congress in Russia. It's held once every four years. Audio
The Douglas-Clifford family run a 22,000 stock unit sheep, beef and deer breeding and finishing property at Motunau, north of Christchurch. They are the proud winners of the 2017 Canterbury Ballance… Audio
Down to earth: the benefits of biological farming
The cornerstone of soil consultant Rob Flynn's philosophy is that agriculture is a biological system, not a chemical system. One of his clients is North Canterbury farmer Russell Rudd, who has been… Audio
Deer Diary
The chair of Deer Industry New Zealand, Andy MacFarlane, says deer farmers have a spring in their step because of strong venison prices, expanding markets and good, stable returns for velvet. Audio
Running Rangitaiki
Landcorp's Rangitaiki Station on the Central Plateau is one of the SOE's larger enterprises. It has tens of thousands of animals, including New Zealand's largest deer herd. There are 20 staff and over… Audio
Yu Mei: East meets West
Jessie Wong, 23, is taking the fashion industry by storm with her luxury leather accessories brand, Yu Mei. She explains why a good bag should weather its journey with you. Audio, Gallery
Jack Lasenby: children, the bush, and writing
Kim Hill talks to Jack Lasenby, the author of many books, most notably the Uncle Trev and Harry Wakatipu stories for children. His new book, illustrated by Bob Kerr, is Grandad's Wheelies (Puffin)… Audio
Colin Cox: Pioneer Deer Farmer and Possumer - Part 5
Colin Cox was involved in the very beginnings of deer farming in New Zealand and with the development of possum fibre for use in clothing. He's written a memoir which Country Life has turned into a… Audio
Colin Cox: Pioneer Deer Farmer and Possumer - Part 4
Colin Cox was involved in the very beginnings of deer farming in New Zealand and with the development of possum fibre for use in clothing. He's written a memoir which Country Life has turned into a… Audio
Colin Cox: Pioneer Deer Farmer and Possumer - part 3
Colin Cox was involved in the very beginnings of deer farming in New Zealand and with the development of possum fibre for use in clothing. He's written a memoir which Country Life has turned into a… Audio
Colin Cox_ Pioneer Deer Farmer and Possum Hunter
Colin Cox was involved in the very beginnings of deer farming in New Zealand and with the development of possum fibre for use in clothing. He's written a memoir which Country Life has turned into a… Audio