Gender Pay Gap
Gender bias blamed for most of static pay gap between men & women
The research found 80% of the gender pay gap can be attributed to conscious and unconscious bias against women, and the size of the gender pay gap increased for male and female employees on higher… Audio
Mothers paid 17 percent less than fathers
A new government report shows the gender pay gap increases significantly as soon as women have children.
Law makes it easier for women to bargain over pay equity
A law change will make it easier for women to file pay equity claims with their employers, rather than having to go through the courts.
Gender pay gap continues to widen
The difference between men's and women's wages is growing, with the gap now at 12 percent, according to Statistics New Zealand.
That's rich: Women make up fraction of world's wealthiest
Women account for a fraction of the richest people in eight of the world's wealthy countries, including New Zealand, a study shows.
White Ferns salary gap reflects revenue - New Zealand Cricket
The amount women cricketers are paid is "an evolution" and eventually they should become full-time professionals, New Zealand Cricket says.
Equal-pay disputes move away from courts
New guidelines could mean equal-pay disputes are settled directly with employers, rather than in court, and workers' advocates say it's a landmark step. Audio
More women on public sector boards
Women now make up 43 percent of people on state sector boards and committees, a new record, the government says.
CEO gender imbalance 'gobsmacking'
There are now no women listed as CEOs in any of New Zealand's top 50 businesses, while the disparity between chief executives and workers' pay continues to grow. Audio
No progress on gender pay gap - professor
A former Equal Employment Opportunities Commissioner says nothing has been done to reduce the gender pay gap in more than a decade.
Gender pay gap: Young women told to think big
Encouraging young women to consider careers that are in high demand and offer high wages could help address the bleak gender pay gap, the Minister for Women says. Audio
Caregivers back equal pay campaign
The caregiver whose court case has propelled efforts to achieve gender pay parity is emotional after the government formed a taskforce. Audio
Minister for Women welcomes pay equity taskforce
The days of a gender pay gap in New Zealand could be numbered. The Government has announced a taskforce to look at pay equity, with the working group to begin meeting later this month. Audio
Why does the gender pay gap persist?
Ahead of the YWCA Equal Pay Awards, Max Towle investigates the pervasive gender pay gap in New Zealand - now at its largest in six years. Audio
Women still face uphill battle for pay equity
Tonight, the YWCA is holding its second annual equal pay awards which focuses on businesses which promote equal pay. Joining us is one of the country's top executives Joan Withers. Audio
An unconscious bias against women?
A Government report revealed the pay gap between men and women has grown to its biggest point in six years. Employment reporter Max Towle has more. Audio
Deborah Russell on the gender pay gap
Feminist blogger Deborah Russell looks at the gender pay gap. Audio
Insight for 26 January 2014 - Closing the Gender Gap?
Erina O'Donohue investigates the challenges women face, including violence and equal pay, 120 years after winning the vote. Audio
Insight for 13 September 2009: Pay Equity
Penny MacKay asks why, 37 years after the Equal Pay Act women are still paid, on average, less than men. Audio