High net migration may address labour shortage, but could fuel inflation - economist
A two-year high in net migration levels could throw a lifeline to sectors crying out for staff in a tight labour market.
INZ reverses decision to block Iranian parents' visit, reconsidering others
Officials are reviewing some visa decisions that have prevented visits from Iranians to their NZ-based relatives.
Families want answers as INZ reviews Iranian visa applications
Immigration officials are reviewing decisions they made to turn down some Iranian applicants who wanted to visit their New Zealand-based relatives. Immigration had concerns families were at risk of… Audio
Mutiny at the BBC: Lineker row causes mounting crisis
The BBC was forced to axe much of its sports coverage on Saturday after presenters refused to work, as a row over freedom of speech erupts for the broadcaster.
'I've got the boats, not the people' - Fullers boss calls for easing immigration rules for crew
Coromandel could have its ferry service back if the government losened immigration rules to allow more skippers and qualified crew into the country, the boss of Fullers 360 says.
Right now road… Video, Audio
Immigration biometric checks update targets fraudsters
The Biometric Capability Update project is due to be operational by the end of the year.
Deportation reprieve after sex offence and 8 years at large
A man who committed a sex offence and then evaded police for eight years has been given a reprieve against deportation to Vietnam.
Wairoa risks losing only trained ICU nurse as family fights immigration decision
A family has been denied New Zealand residency on the grounds their daughter is a medical burden to the country.
Why the world's other crises don't see the same response as Ukraine
Opinion - The treatment of Ukrainian refugees exposes a humanitarian double standard that has channelled vital funding away from equally deserving crises, Ritesh Shah writes.
'Sad to feel our parents are second-class': Conflict denies loved ones visas to visit
Middle Eastern families say they feel like their whānau, already suffering in war-torn zones, are being punished again - as the conflicts are being given as the reason they cannot travel here.
Middle Eastern families' relatives barred from visiting
Middle-eastern families say they are shocked and devastated relatives have been barred from visiting because of conflict in their home countries.
More than 160 people from Syria and Iran alone have… Audio
Victim suffers financial loss, stress after dealing with unlicensed adviser
The adviser had lost his licence eight years ealier after four previous complaints, the Immigration Advisers Authority says.
Criteria widened for Ukrainians fleeing war who want to settle in Aotearoa
The government has extended the application window for the 2022 Special Ukraine Visa by another year.
New visa set up to bring in workers for post-cyclone rebuild
Fees will be wiped for successful applicants but the visas will only last for up to six months. Audio
Ukrainians fleeing war seek certainty on visa extension
It is a year since Russia invaded Ukraine, and the largest movement of refugees in Europe since World War II began.
Minister on new visa to bring in workers for Cyclone Gabrielle recovery
The government's looking overseas to get more hands on deck to help with the rebuild from Cyclone Gabrielle.
A new short-term Recovery Visa will bring in specialist foreign workers through a similar… Audio
More than 400 evacuated RSE workers soon to have accommodation
More than 400 workers from the Pacific evacuated to a Napier church should be able to return to more permanent accommodation in the next few days.
Call for amnesty so overstayers can help with cyclone clean-up
Overstayers in cyclone-hit regions should be granted an amnesty, a Tongan community leader says. Audio
Cyclone:calls for govt to give Pasifika overstayers amnesty
You may remember the images of Tongan workers who were rescued from a rooftop in Hawke's Bay after posting a live stream on Facebook. These men came to New Zealand under the Recognised Seasonal… Audio
International graduate visa has winners and losers
International graduates who missed out on work visas because they were out of the country when the border closed have been told they can come back.