Kapa Haka
Live: Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau-ā-Apanui at WOMAD 2016
Te Kapa Haka o Te Whānau-ā-Apanui perform on the opening night of WOMAD 2016. Audio
Interview: Tamati Waaka from Te Whānau-ā-Apanui | WOMAD 2016
Trevor Reekie discusses kapa haka with Tamati Waaka, one of the leaders of Te Whānau-ā-Apanui. Audio
Kaumatua hit the capital with kapa haka
The bones may have been a bit creaky but the voices were in fine form at the annual Kaumātua Kapa Haka festival at Te Papa over the weekend.
Get out your poi, boys
A rule banning boys-only schools from doing the poi in the National Secondary School Kapa Haka competition has been revoked.
Poi row drags on
The poi has hit the fan over changes to the rules for the national secondary schools kapa haka championship in July. Audio
If you're a boy, forget the poi
Rules stopping boys schools from performing with poi in a kapa haka competition will only be reconsidered if regions that voted for the change want that. Video, Audio
Kapa haka expert and cultural entrepreneur wins Laureate Award.
A Kapa haka exponent and cultural entrepreneur is one of five artist recognised with the Arts Foundation Laureate Award. Audio
'Huge interest' in Māori exhibition in Brazil
A Māori cultural exhibition that has just opened in Rio de Janeiro is generating huge interest, the New Zealand Māori Arts and Crafts Institute says.
Kapa haka growth leads to new qualification
A leading exponent of kapa haka says she expects people to flock to a new qualification for judges of Māori performing arts.
Noise control called on kapa haka
Noise control was called out in Wellington after a complaint about a kapa haka group's practice on a Saturday. The Council's Matthew Borich joins the Panel to explain the finer points of noise… Audio
Te Whanau a Apanui winners of Te Matatini 2015
A Maori cultural group from eastern Bay of Plenty, Te Whanau a Apanui, was judged the outright winner of Te Matatini National Kapa Haka festival in Christchurch. Audio
Ngā Hua a Tāne Rore - The benefits of kapa haka
Dr Leonie Pihama and Dr Jillian Tipene of Te Kotahi Research Institute at The University of Waikato provide a brief analysis into their scoping report commissioned by Manātu Tāonga (Ministry for… Audio
Te Matatini kicks off in Christchurch
The national kapa haka contest, Te Matatini, gets underway in Christchurch this morning. Audio
The national kapa haka festival returns to Christchurch
After 29 years the national kapa haka festival has returned to Christchurch (last held here in 1986), with more than 5000 people attending the opening of Te Matatini today in Hagley Park. Audio
Ngā Tāonga Kōrero - Te Waka Huia
Henare Te Ua presents coverage of the 1986 Aotearoa Performing Arts Festival held in Christchurch. The winners of the competition at the 8th festival was Auckland based group Te Waka Huia. Highlights… Audio
Christchurch accommodation crammed for kapa haka festival
Most motels near Hagley Park in Christchurch are either booked out or have limited accommodation - a week out from Te Matatini - the national kapa haka festival. Audio
Nga Tāonga Kōrero - Tauranga Kapahaka Competition 1970
It was in the early 1960's that Māori came together to celebrate performing arts, the venue was held at the Tauranga Queens Elizabeth Memorial Hall. In 1970, Wiremu Parker (1914 - 1986) attended the… Audio
Hosting Te Matatini 2015
South Island iwi Ngai Tahu are hosting the 2015 Te Matatini, the annual National Performing Arts competition that attracts tens of thousands of people from around Aotearoa. Marae, hotels, motels and… Audio
Matatini - A few thoughts
Attending a couple of summer festivals is a good way to record a wide range of opinions on a certain topic, Justine Murray asks a few people which Kapa Haka group will get their support at this year's… Audio
Waitangi Rua Rautau Lecture 2015
Rt Hon Dame Jenny Shipley and Bishop Te Kitohi Pikaahu provide political and religious perspectives on the different responses of the Government and the Anglican Church to the Treaty of Waitangi, with… Audio