The rise of the hyphenated name
Are hyphenated names in vogue? With more women choosing to keep their surnames and giving double-barrelled last, and first, names, there seems to be many more hypens abound. Is it too hard on kids or… Audio
Minister begins planning for te reo in schools
The Labour-led government is looking to press ahead with plans to extend the use of te reo Māori in schools.
Tokelauan community changing the language of God from Samoan
For most Tokelauans, the language of church, the Bible and God is Samoan but this is changing. Audio
'Poems are made to be read, they’re acts of communication'
Mention the word poetry and many of us will flashback to the time when we were forced to recite from Homer's Odyssey, a poet from the US says we are over-complicating a simple pleasure. Video, Audio
Mana Tangata: Tawhirimatea Williams
Tawhirimatea Williams has teaching for over 50 years. Today he's the head of a private training institute in Auckland, churning out competent Māori speakers. Audio
Give it a go! It's Chinese Language Week
New Zealanders talk about why they're choosing to learn more about Chinese language and culture. Video, Audio, Gallery
Nĭ Hăo! Chinese Language week kicks off
Today marks the beginning of the third New Zealand Chinese Language Week. So it’s a good time to get a primer on some of the basics. Language teacher Chunxiao Lu has been helping RNZ presenters up… Audio
Kiwis' pushing for correct Maori pronunciations on Google Maps
Say It Tika, a collaboration between Vodafone, Google and Te Taura Whiri O Te Reo Maori, is looking to correct the mis-pronounication of Maori place names. Audio
Whakamā to speak Te Reo? Don't be, teacher says
Many Māori are embarrassed to speak Te Reo, according to a new project, but its organiser says all they need is more support. Video, Audio
Harold Evans: zombie nouns and flesh-eating words
We're writing more than ever; emails, blogs, even tweets. But we are doing it badly according to Sir Harold Evans, the former editor of The Sunday Times of London and editor at large of Reuters. Audio
Daniel Dor - Academic and activist
Dr Daniel Dor is the author of The Instruction of Imagination: Language as a Social Communication Technology (2015) which has challenged established ideas about the evolution and utility of language… Audio
Researchers want 'lost' English words brought back
Have you ever heard of the words "snout-fair", "sillytonian" or "merry-go-sorry"?
Jenny-May Clarkson and Te Reo
TVNZ presenter and former silver fern, Jenny-May Clarkson, began learning Te Reo six years ago. Now she's teaching it to her twin sons. Audio
Ngā kupu Māori mo ngā kai o te ata
We've reached the end of Māori language week, and Te Manu Korihi chief reporter Shannon Haunui-Thompson joins us to kōrero some kupu and phrases you could use at breakfast time (parakuihi). Audio
Greens pledge $160m for compulsory te reo
The Greens would spend $160 million dollars to make te reo Māori a core subject for all schools from years 1 to 10.
This week marks 45 years since the Maori Language Petition
The Maori Language Petition was presented to parliament 45 years ago urging the government to introduce te reo Maori in schools Audio