Mental Health
The global pandemic is depleting your 'surge capacity'
Humans can draw on their 'surge capacity' for short-term survival in stressful situations. But when the disaster stretches out indefinitely - like the Covid-19 pandemic - your surge capacity can get… Audio
Rise in young Kiwis struggling with mental health - report
There's been a large rise in the number of young Kiwis coping with mental health conditions and distress over the past decade. Audio
Bonus Episode - Like Likes Like
Psychologist and media commentator Dr Sarb Johal on the dangers of seeking validation. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
It's Nice To Have A Friend
Award-winning comedian David Correos joins host James Nokise to talk about bad words, bad friends and bad times. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
The benefits of improving your mental fitness 1% a day
Motivational speaker and author Jimi Hunt says mental illness is an epidemic that we can no longer ignore. The formerly Mexico-based Kiwi says improving your mental fitness just one percent every day… Audio
Bonus Episode: It's How You Play The Game
Psychologist Dr Sarb Johal joins host James Nokise to talk about winning, losing and how to create a healthy work culture. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
An Invisible Battle: Coping with Mental Distress
A young woman uncovers a dark family secret, while facing an invisible battle with depression and the fight to come out the other end.
WARNING: This episode contains discussion around depression and… Audio
Silver ferns coach Noeline Taurua joins host James Nokise to talk team culture and what it means to be P.U.R.E. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
The Christchurch mosque shooting sentencing, day 2
Psychologist Sarb Johal talks to the Panel about how the Christchurch mosque shooter sentencing might be impacting on the victims. Audio
Anxiety levels rise with Covid levels
Anxieties have been running higher among the general public since the increase in alert levels almost two weeks ago.
Māni Dunlop spoke to Victoria University clinical psychologist, Dougal Sutherland.
…At A Loss: new podcast dives deep into death, grief and loss
Funeral celebrant Timothy Giles hopes his podcast At A Loss will help people navigate the difficult emotions we all must face, including those related to the Covid-19 pandemic. Audio
Urgent action needed to address poor mental health in Asian community
A health advocate for New Zealand's Asian community says the government needs to urgently address the growing decline in mental health among our country's Asian population.
Figures released today… Audio
Bonus Episode: How Do You See Yourself?
Psychologist and media commentator Dr Sarb Johal joins host James Nokise to talk about chronic illness and self identity. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
The Five Minute Freakout
Actor and comedian Hayley Sproull joins host James Nokise to talk about finding fame, finding your identity and finding yourself a target. Audio
Funding in place for Pacific mental health services expansion
Around $US1 million boost has been made to grow primary mental health and addiction services for Pacific peoples in Auckland, Hamilton and Canterbury. Audio
Team of five million need to be committed to prevent outbreak
The latest results from the now-fortnightly poll conducted by Research New Zealand shows that respondents believe the 'team of five million' needs to be more committed to preventing another Covid-19… Audio
Bonus Episode: Ask Them
Psychologist Dr Sarb Johal joins host James Nokise to talk about the effects of suicide on family, friends and survivors. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio
How Do We Do This Again?
One lock down was hard enough. What if we have to do it all again? How will we cope? Clinical psychologist Dr Sarb Johal has some thoughts. Audio
Psychology of going back to lockdown style restrictions
People all over the country are feeling an impact of going back to tougher alert level restrictions on their mental health. Psychologist Jacqui Maguire talks to Jesse about coping with the return to… Audio
If You Feel Bad, Feel It
Radio star Jono Pryor joins host James Nokise to talk about being there for your mates. Produced by Charlie Bleakley. Audio