Auckland Council proposes 5 percent rates increase
Aucklanders are being asked to reach deeper into their pockets next year in a one off rates increase of 5 percent.
The proposal is part of the city council's new 10-year budget focused on Covid-19… Audio
Lower South Island jobseeker numbers up more than 50 percent
Covid-19 has caused economic pain throughout the country, but nowhere more than the lower South Island where the numbers on the dole have increased more than 50 percent since February.
Unsurprisingly… Audio
Pandemic risking hundreds of millions of dollars of school income - Auditor General
The Auditor-General has warned the pandemic is putting hundreds of millions of dollars of school income at risk.
In his report on this year's audits of school accounts John Ryan says schools earned… Audio
Work to reform welfare system 'unjustifiably slow' - Child Poverty Action Group
The CPAG has criticised a lack of speed in lifting families out of poverty, but the Prime Minister says the government has made significant progress which it would be unfair to dismiss. Audio
Farming funding unlocked as La Niña looms over summer
The government has unlocked funding to support farmers ahead of an upcoming La Nina season.
Fruit-picking worries remain as growers lament dearth of Kiwi labour
Growers say fruit may still be left to rot, despite the government promising 2000 seasonal workers from the Pacific can come through the border to help with the harvest.
Growers on 2000 new RSE workers on the way
RSE workers are coming back to New Zealand, but not until the new year.
Growers will be able to bring the workers to NZ in January, provided they pay a living wage and the cost of managed isolation.
…Covid-19: US billionaires get even richer
It's Thanksgiving in the United States, and one group of people that has a lot to be thankful for are American billionaires.
They've accumulated more than US$1 trillion in new wealth since March.
It… Audio
Finance Minister's plea to Reserve Bank
Economist Michael Reddell who previously worked at The Reserve Bank about the Minister's suggestion. Audio
RBNZ admits its economic measures contributed to high house prices
The Reserve Bank says it's ready and willing to work with the government on ways to cool the housing market.
The central bank's Governor, Adrian Orr, admitted during a briefing on its financial… Audio
Reining in runaway housing prices: who can do what?
The Finance Minister, Grant Robertson wrote to the Reserve Bank yesterday asking it to consider what it can do to keep house prices in check, when it considers monetary policy.This is in addition to… Audio
Aucklanders face water bill rise as WaterCare sees rising costs
Aucklanders can expect to be paying higher water bills next year, with WaterCare reviewing its pricing as the effects of Covid-19 continue to bite.
The council-controlled organisation has faced… Audio
Raising minimum to living wage not ruled out - Workplace Relations Minister
The Workplace Relations Minister isn't ruling out lifting the minimum wage in line with the living wage.
A new report from the Helen Clark Foundation and the New Zealand Institute of Economic… Audio
EQC to pay out $42m to insurer over quake claims
Tower Insurance will be paid $42.1 million following the settlement of a dispute with the Earthquake Commission over Canterbury earthquake claims.
AirBnB user pleased Consumer NZ pushing for Commerce Commission investigation
Consumer New Zealand wants the Commerce Commission to investigate Airbnb and Bachcare over what it describes as unfair cancellation terms.
Airbnb customer, Marilyn, experienced this first hand and… Audio
Public will be safe during First Union paramedic strike - St John management
Hundreds of St John paramedics and ambulance staff are poised to walk off the job this week - twice - as the pay dispute between their union and St John drags on.
More than a third of St John's… Audio
Covid-19: Kiwis spending large out of lockdown
Out of lockdown, but still restricted to Aotearoa's shores, New Zealanders have been spending up large.
Latest figures from ASB show a spectacular surge in spending this quarter.
A massive rise of… Audio
Otago residents vent fury at rising electricty prices
Central Otago residents have vented their fury at the rising electricity prices they'll have to pay to repair aging and rotting power poles.
Aurora Energy's plan to fix years of underspending means… Audio
Breaking Silence | Episode 7: Woven Earth
Escaping an abusive marriage in Australia taught Kerryn how hard it is for women and children to restart their lives. We follow Kerryn as she sets up a house for a family on behalf of her charity. Video
How to break out of the 'toxic money mindset'
Psychologist Ashley Whillans has surveyed thousands of adults around the world about time and money. Unsurprisingly, most people focus too much on working and making more money, and not enough on… Audio