Estimates millions of people might have been underpaid
A payroll systems expert thinks the Government is grossly underestimating the number of New Zealanders who are being underpaid for their holidays. Audio
Payroll companies say pay error revelations are no shock.
Payroll companies say revelations that hundreds of thousands of workers could be owed millions of dollars in holiday pay should not be a shock to employers - or the Government Audio
Graduates' salaries
Data on the salaries of tertiary graduates shows the money is in the more qualified professions. Audio
Payroll problems 'could affect hundreds of thousands'
What is the scale of New Zealand's payroll problems and what needs to be done about it? The Unite Union, which began investigating problems with underpayment of holiday pay a year ago, estimates that… Audio
Union fights support staff pay "cut"
Thousands of the lowest paid school staff are unhappy their pay has been cut this year because of an administrative anomaly. Audio
Payroll problems going back years at Government ministry
Thousands of public servants may have been underpaid for decades because of a payroll error that could cost the ministry involved a 'significant' amount. Audio
College of Midwives condemn $2.1 million from govt
Midwives have been offered a payrise backdated to July last year but they say it's not enough and they will continue with their legal action aganst the government. Audio
What is being done to fix the gender pay gap?
New figures show that men in the public service are still getting paid a lot more than women, with no change in the 14 percent gender pay gap. The State Services Commission's survey of wages shows two… Audio
Union says govt's gender pay gap is unacceptable
The Public Service Association represents 58-thousand government workers. Its national secretary is Erin Polaczuk Audio
Equal Opportunities Commissioner responds to pay gap
As you know our lead this morning is the gender pay gap in the public service. Audio
Public sector gender pay gap rankings reveal wide gaps
Just released details of the pay gap between what women and men are paid in the country's 29 public service departments show there has been no improvement and the gap is not reducing. Audio
Women need to be promoted to close pay gap - economist
Some government departments have a pay gap between men and women of 39 per cent. Audio
Act's Seymour on MPs' Christmas pay rise
The Remuneration Authority has given the Prime Minister and MPs a Christmas pay rise. Audio
MPs payrise
The Renumeration Authority has given MPs a Christmas present - a payrise. Audio
Government's bid to tackle pay parity welcomed
The caregiver who started the ball rolling on trying to get pay parity between men and women says the Government's finally woken up to the problem. Audio
Union welcomes setting up of pay equity taskforce
Unions and employers are to set up a taskforce to establish principles for dealing with pay equity claims. Audio
Schools divided over Government scheme
John Gerritsen explores why the government's flagship scheme to improve education is dividing schools. Audio
Criminal lawyers not compensated for extra work from law change
The Criminal Bar Association says defence lawyers aren't being paid for the extra work created by a new restorative justice law. Audio
SEEK: Salaries up 7 percent in 2014
Move to Wellington and become a consultant -- at least that's what one online recruitment site's new data shows will put more money in your pocket this year. Audio
Another big win for Aged care workers wanting better pay
Poorly paid aged careworkers have won another major victory in a landmark case over pay. Audio