Evans and Clarkson: Science through comics
Kate Evans and Giselle Clarkson are on a mission to tell stories about science through words and pictures. They've embarked on a new series for New Zealand Geographic where they tackle the questions… Audio
An eye for detail -Yumiko Baba
In this Voices podcast, botanist and associate curator at the Auckland Museum, Yumiko Baba, shares her long-standing love for a particular native tree. Produced and presented by Kadambari Raghukumar.
…Call to action on pest moth plant
Environmental groups are urging New Zealanders to tackle the invasive moth plant now. Areas. Annette Mitchell is a member of the Upper Waitemata Ecology Network and the Environmental Weed Coalition… Audio
Restoring names for indigenous flora
What's in a name? Two Auckland academics have just released a report arguing for a change to naming conventions for native plants. Audio
Favourite plants
Claire Concannon hears how the the New Zealand Plant Conservation Network's favourite plant competition is shaping up, while Katy Gosset learns about research to improve the quality and growth… Audio
Spring gardening with Tony Murrell and Fiona Eady
It's not just spring, it's Labour Weekend, and that always means gardening and planting. Tune in for your spring gardening tips with two of the country's best. Audio
Jonathan Drori: on listening tomatoes and ragwort-filled gardens
Author, plant lover and former BBC documentary maker Jonathan Drori joins the show for a chat about some of the latest botanical news. This week, Drori discusses a ragwort-filled garden and the fact… Audio
Michael Pollan on plant based drugs affecting our bodies
For years Michael Pollan told us about what happens to our bodies when we eat plants. Now he wants the world to have a more open and honest conversation about what happens when we consume psychoactive… Audio
Bringing megaherb punui back to Bluff
It looks a bit like a Chatham Island forget me not, and grows to a height of two metres and tastes a wee bit like celery or cabbage - we hear the story of the megaherb punui. Audio
Jonathan Drori: The secret and surprising life of plants
For his new book Around the World in 80 Plants, Jonathan Drori traversed the globe, aiming to reveal the science of plants by showing how their worlds are intricately entwined with our own history… Audio
20 million trees for the Kaipara Harbour
More than 20 million trees and other natives are to be planted around New Zealand's biggest harbour in a $200 million Kaipara Moana Remediation project. Audio
Protection against Covid-19 ranks as NZ's biggest issue
Fifty percent of New Zealanders surveyed in Research New Zealand's latest poll have ranked protecting Kiwis against Covid-19 as NZ's most pressing issue, followed by the availability of affordable… Audio
Fixing environmental problems one plant at a time
Biotechnologist David Leung finds ways to make plants solve environmental issues. Audio
Growing dune plants a challenging passion
Each year Jo Bonner and the team at Coastlands Plant Nursery in Whakatane grow 300,000 spinifex and pingao plants for dune replanting at beaches around the North Island. Audio
Our Changing World for 28 January 2021
Measuring the value of a community garden and the challenges of growing dune plants for restoring sand dune communities. Audio
How plants communicate with insects and each other
Dr. Andrea Clavijo McCormick of Massey University in Palmerston North recently secured $300,000 in funding from the Royal Society Te Aparangi annual Marsden Fund to study how plants communicate. And… Audio
Epiphytes - high-rise plants
Discover the hidden world of arboreal plants, which get a leg-up in the world by living on trees. Audio
Our Changing World for 17 December 2020
Epiphytes are the high rise experts of the plant world, and resilient buildings should save lives and still be useable after an earthquake. Audio
Colourful plants help young researcher win award
Unravelling how genes control colour in petunias has won Nick Albert the 2020 Hamilton Award and could help breed more nutritious fruit. Audio
Rare plant stolen from Christchurch's botanic gardens
Rare plant has been stolen from Christchurch botanic gardens. The Panel talks to NZ Gardener magazine editor Jo McCarroll about the rise in house plant popularity. Audio